Eight: Friend??

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I paced my room, boots tapping rhythmically against the hardwood floors.

"Can you stop that? It interferes with my concentration!" Caleb grabbed my shoe and I kicked him away.

"Yeah right, you have the concentration of a three-year-old," Kristie sighed.

"Excuse me, who's the brains of the group, eh?"

I rolled my eyes.

"For the brains, you don't have the best grammar," I muttered. "It's who're the brains of the group, not who's."

Kristie coughed uncomfortably.

"Stupid. You're the one who needs to learn your grammar." Caleb smirked, and the look on Kristie's face told me he was right.

"Shut up," I huffed, my cheeks blushing crimson. "If you're such a smart-ass, why don't you be the nerd, huh?"

"I'd trade popularity for nerdiness any day, but it doesn't work that way, does it? Because of your stupid idea of the school's social class thing."

"Hey don't pin this all on me. I just wanna figure this out. Do you guys know who Selene Starr is?"

"Wait Selene? How do you spell that?" Kristie asked thoughtfully.

"S-E-L-E-N-E. I checked Victor's phone and a contact was Selene Starr. We tried calling the number of course, but it was unavailable." I mocked with air quotes.

"Oh. I thought it could be spelt C-E-L-I-N-E, you know, the slutty teacher?" Kristie asked.

"Good idea. I'll ask mom to look into it. Meanwhile, look for suspicious behavior. If there's one guy in the school who's part of the Living Mystery, there's bound to be more."


The next day, I got to class exceptionally early. The door was open, but the slut was nowhere to be seen. Carefully checking my surroundings, I decided to start some kind of investigation. I walked over to her desk, stacked neatly with papers and composition books.

At least she did her job.

Cautiously, I shuffled the papers around, hoping to find something--anything that was suspicious or weird. Under a pile of tests, there was a list of names. It was nothing out of the ordinary, just partners for our next project. I scanned the list and found I was paired with Kenny Lotspath, a hairy, beefy guy with fat lips and a snaggletooth.

He disgusted me to say at the very least.

There were markings in red pen all over the paper, much to my delight. I took a red pen from a jar of red pens and paired myself with Ethan, and Kenny with Tina. During the intense training last year, we worked on many different fields. One was calligraphy and forging.

I thank God for that skill.

I know it was stupid of me, but I had just thought that maybe I'd get to know Ethan better and that may aid my investigation.

Don't worry.

I did it for no other reason. I think.

Once I had copied her neat scribbles, I heard the faint clacking of heels on the tiled floors in the hallway. Hastily, I capped the pen, placed it in it's cup, shuffled some papers over the list and rushed to a random desk.

Sringelle walked in right then and there and I looked up in fake surprise.

"Oh, what are you doing here?" She asked, disgust lining her words.

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