Part 2... She doesn't know

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Rui Leonetti is Andrea Denver... now he is one sexy Italian!

I dragged two chairs to place behind the door after securing the latch on the door. I curled up on the bed. I did not know what had just happened. From the afternoon, I felt a negative aura coming from Rui Leonetti. He had glared at me constantly during the meeting at the restaurant and what he just did to me was beyond scary.

I have never met him before but he was sure that I had. There was no way, it was me. He must have me mistaken with another woman.

1. I have never been to Italy before in fact this trip was my first time on an airplane.

2. I grew up in Pennsylvania.

3. I would definitely remember if I had met him before.

4. I was still a virgin so I was unquestionably not this woman he appeared to hate so much!

My parents were working class people. My dad worked as a mechanic and my mom worked as cleaner for a primary school. My parents had a great hobby and that was antique collecting. My dad used to say 'This piece of junk could be a masterpiece'. Unfortunately, they died when the bus taking them to an auction crashed with a semi. I was 8 at the time. I was bounded through to several foster homes until my dad's brother was found and grudgingly accepted to 'raise' me.

I lived with my uncle and aunt until I turned eighteen. They had not been mean but had not shown me any affection I was just a pay check to them. I was told to get a part time job when I turned fifteen. I had been working ever since. They had no children because my aunt felt that a child would ruin her body; she was more concerned about her fake nails and breast implants. My uncle was a car salesman and made enough money to support her vain lifestyle. I had no siblings and few friends from the neighbourhood. I poured myself into my work as my aunt told me I needed an education because I was too ugly to trap a man. I didn't have a mobile until I turned 18 when I could afford to buy one for myself.

I was an A+ student and used my grades to get me a full scholarship into New York University where I studied a finance degree.

That had been the happiest time of my life. I was ecstatic to leave the home which had raised me for almost ten years. That was my last memory before the event. I closed my eyes willing myself to not remember that time.

My aunt and Uncle had severed all contact with me after the event. I had not been in contact with them for five years. I guess they were happy where ever they are. I did not really miss them but they were my only family. It would have been nice to at least know where they are, even if they did not want to be in contact with me. It was painful but I was dealing with it. Technically, I had been alone ever since my parents had died. Now it just felt that way.

I woke up the next day with a fright. I was dreaming of Rui Leonetti touching me. The scary thing was that I was enjoying it in my dream. The man had been wrong to touch my body. No one had ever seen me naked before and I felt violated. I was still a virgin but his touch had ignited a fire within me. I shook my head and rushed out of bed. I needed to prepare myself for our next meeting. I know that he had definitely mistaken me for someone else. Whatever that woman had done to him it seems he will never forgive her. How could I convince him that it was a case of mistaken identity?

My mind was in turmoil. I tried to remember my calming techniques. I had not used them in three years after leaving that place.

I dressed and looked at myself in the mirror the panda eyes were very noticeable. I put on heavy makeup to conceal the evidence of my restless night.

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