Part 8...Mr Adonis

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"What are you doing here?" I asked surprised to see Rui Leonetti as he came into my office and shut the door behind him.

"If I may recall you ordered me to get my 'Armani clad butt over here' so here I am. Although, I think Mr Armani may take offence to your crude use of his clothing line." Rui was saying through a smirk.

I took a deep breath and continued typing as I tried to regain my bearings. The man always unsettled me. I finally looked up at him after mustering up some confidence. I had literally typed nonsensical letters on the document. I closed the file and pushed back my chair.

"Great, where are the papers? Let's sign them so you can be on your way." I stated flippantly as I moved to the sofa suite in the room. I made myself comfortable on the two seater sofa.

The irritating man sat down next to me. He opened his portfolio and removed a manila folder. He spilled the contents on the table beside us. I watched silently as he flipped through the papers in front of him. He did that for a few minutes until I interrupted him.

"Can you hurry along, I need to finish my work?" my voice was harsh and edged with frustration.

"I cannot find the documents; I seem to have left them in New York." He eventually confessed looking up at me with his beautiful eyes.

"You don't have them?" I asked annoyed by his confession.

"Nope." He said leaning back on the sofa and opening his jacket as he looked at me challengingly.

"So you came all this way and left the papers we needed. Isn't that too negligent Mr Leonetti?" I asked holding my back straight. " I am seriously questioning your work ethic."

"We all make mistakes Ms Smith." He said softly. His eyes were piercing my skin as he stared at me with a look I could not put my finger on in his eyes. I brushed it aside as I fumed at his carelessness.

I stood up quickly. "Fine I will have to find my copy and use it."

"Sure." He said sounding not the least bit bothered by this set back which annoyed me more than his paperless appearance.

"Could you get me a cup of coffee on your way back one sugar no milk. Thanks." He said turning away from me as he picked up his tablet from his portfolio.

The man was the limit ordering me around like some minion.

"Would you like a cookie with that too?" I asked sarcastically.

He looked up at me and smiled, "That would be great; I've not had any dinner. Maybe you can order me some Chinese like you have on your desk."

He went back to his tablet dismissing me completely." Make it a large with noodles or rice."

"The number is on the box, order it yourself, Leonetti!" I stated annoyed by his directive as I walked out of my office, the clicking of my heels echoing through the quiet building.

I walked measuredly away from the prick in my office. I was not ready to serve a jail sentence for manslaughter. Where was his sidekick Giorgio? He decided to come alone and now wanted to treat me like some servant girl. Ha! He had some nerve.

I walked toward Dominic's office where the documents were kept. I used my master key to get in but the filing cabinets were locked. Just my luck!

I picked up my mobile and called Dominic, he picked up on the fifth ring.

"Hello my lovely." He cooed.

"Dominic," I warned him, "I need a copy of the Leonetti agreement, where is it kept?"

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