Part 24... Unforgotten Moments

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Sorry for the delay but I just did not have the direction I wanted. The chapter is a bit long but hope you enjoy it. 

Dedicated to the first two readers: @chaneldjojo and @minhuhuo .

A year later

Vera POV

I was in my office when Linda walked in.

"Vera, Dominic sent an email to state that the new software will be ready to view next week Thursday."

I stopped my typing to look at her. "Great, book my flight to arrive on Wednesday and to leave on the Saturday."

"Three nights? A secret rendezvous with the hubby?" Linda asked coming to sit on my desk. She was a marvellous personal assistant and had jumped at the chance to move to Italy with me. So far she was enjoying all things Italian!

I looked at her sternly and she raised her eyebrow at me. I had to laugh.

"For your information to quell your sex starved brain, I am planning to spend some time with the Rathers since they are back from their sojourn across Asia."

Linda did not even look remorseful as she stood up and fixed her black skirt suit.

"Since you are happily married and get it every night and need I say during the day too, there is no need to be cruel." I opened my mouth in disbelief.

"You are just too much! Has Lugarno called with their final figure?" I asked changing the conversation. Linda's remarks had hit too close to home.

"No but I will give them a call before I leave." Linda stated as she took the file I handed back to her.

"Are you off to lunch?" I asked curiously. She had been having lunch dates all week and although she told me it was with some other employees, I felt there was more to it. Yesterday she had returned looking like she had just had sex. The glow was all over her.

"Have you forgotten that I requested to have the afternoon off?" I looked closely at Linda whose face definitely had that look.

"You have that look?" I accused her coming round my desk to approach her. She was smiling like a Cheshire cat who ate more than just the cream.

She backed away quickly heading toward the door. "Stop!" I told her as she held the door handle.

"Come back here Linda," I said as I pulled her to sit on the leather loveseat near the huge glass windows. "Now who is he? How long has this been going on? And how dare you keep this from me."

Linda looked uncomfortable for the first time in her life. "Spill! I cajoled her holding her shoulders and shaking them. She shook her head.

"Linda you better say it now or I will terminate the afternoon leave." She closed her eyes as she shook her head.

"Fine." I said as I stood up. "I'm calling Rui, maybe he should know you're having a rendezvous during work hours." I pretended to walk to pick up the phone on my desk.

"Okay, okay, enough with the husband card." I turned around and smiled as I rushed back to sit next to her.

"It wasn't planned but there is a guy and we kinda bumped into each other at the grocery store and we had a coffee afterwards." Linda admitted as I listened excitedly.

"So, do you like him? Is he Italian?" I flooded her mind with questions.

"He isn't my normal type but I enjoyed the time I spent with him although he is different than the guys I usually go for. He is more focused and has a brain that actually works." Linda was actually blushing. A rare sight. This guy must really have left an impression on her.

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