Part 9.... Mrs Norris

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Don't you just love Betty White......

"How are things in the office?" Mr Rathers asked me.

"At the moment the main contracts have been signed and the new products are in production." I informed him as I made myself comfortable on Rattan chair on the patio. The Thursday afternoon sun was low in the sky and the huge umbrella kept its dazzling rays away from our faces.

He was currently recuperating at home after his hospital stay. His heart appeared to be adapting to the new arteries. He had summoned me to his home for the usual weekly update on the company's activities over the last week. I had been doing so over the two months. Although running the company was taxing and demanding I really enjoyed the hustle and bustle of it all.

Although I missed my travelling as a marketing officer, this role of caretaker CEO was even more interesting as I had met and worked with several big profile names in the technology business. It had been thrilling except when a certain man called. He did my best to avoid contact with the man who will remain nameless.

"I had a call from Rui Leonetti; he expressed his admiration over your handling of the new contract." Mr Rathers informed me.

My face got redder at the mention of the name I had wanted to keep out of my mind ever since the incident two weeks ago.

"Yes, he worried me at first. I could sense he had strong feeling toward you but now, I suspect he has a little crush." My face must have been redder than Santa's suit right now.

"Um, well, why would you even think that? He is such a powerful man with a lot of beautiful women at his beck and call. He would not be interested in a small town mousy girl like me." I said feeling the heat slide down my face to my nipples. I shifted my shoulders hoping my taut nipples were not visible under my shirt.

"A man knows these things Vera. I could see the look he gave you but I would advise you to stay clear of him though." Mr Rathers continued sitting forward in his chair. I looked at him and he was gazing at me seriously.

"You are like a daughter to me and I feel protective over you and I want a good man for you. Leonetti is an experienced man and you my dear Vera are still young. You need to be careful around him."

I tried to look impassive but the memory of morning in my bathroom came flooding back.

"Have some cool lemonade Vera." Mrs Rathers said placing a tray of drinks on the table beside us.

"Thanks." I responded happy for the reprieve.

"Are you staying for dinner today?" she asked. I loved being around the Rathers. They were like the parents I lost when I was young. They were attentive and caring but tonight I needed some destressing and that meant Yoga class.

"I would love to but I just need some Yoga to relax my mind tonight." I declined her offer.

"Come on Vera, just a meal and then you can go yogaing all night long?" Mr Rathers interjected.

"Maybe next week?" I prompted and Mrs Rathers rubbed my back.

"I understand you stepping in to do Daniel's job must be taxing. You need the relaxation." I smiled at least someone understood my need to relax. "We are so grateful for you Vera."

"Why don't you find yourself a nice young man Vera, I'm sure you will feel more relaxed then?" Mrs Rathers suggested.

I choked on my drink and spilled some juice onto my clothes. I placed the glass of lemonade on the table recovering from lemonade going down my windpipe. I was given some tissues to wipe the juice which had spilt out of my mouth.

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