Part 13... Who knows?

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"Vera, look the giraffe is eating the lettuce!" Adriano was excitedly watching a giraffe nibbled the lettuce leaf he held in his hand.

"You are a great feeder Adriano." I complimented the overly excited child who was thoroughly enjoying his day out in the zoo.

"The other giraffe wants some now!" he said and I gave him the leaf I was holding. "Wow, this one ate it all up in one bite!"

"Papa, that one is greedy!" Adriano was saying to Rui as he fed the giraffes.

"He must be hungry, give him another leaf." Rui stated handing his son his own leaf. The giraffe gobbled it up quickly, its mouth quickly consuming the green delicacy.

I did not want to look at the man standing on the other side of his son. I was still angry with him about last night.

Rui smiled at me over his son's head, I quickly glanced away still seething at Rui's antics. He had cornered me and I was slowly sinking into his lair.

The wind blew my hair into my eyes and Rui reached over to push the stray strands away. I tried to push his hand away and he captured it. I glared and he smiled. The man was insufferable.

"Vera come look there are zebras over there!" I was pulled along to view the monochrome animals that were grazing lazily in the morning sun oblivious to the onlookers around them. Rui let go of my hand as his son dragged me away.

"They all look the same Vera; I can't see a difference in them." Adriano stated fascinated at the creatures that were indeed very identical. His eyes were busily searching for some flaw or spot to differentiate the zebras.

"Oh my, they all have the same stripes." Adriano echoed captivated by the sight before his eyes.

We were soon tugged to another area of the zoo by the bundle of excitement called Adriano.

"Papa, look at the horns on those deer, they are so long!"

"These are called gazelles they look like deer but their horns are different." Rui explained as we looked in fascination as two gazelles leaped high in the air.

"Wow, look Papa, Vera did you see that?" Adriano was in awe at the sight of the two agile animals jumping high up in the air.

"It was great!" I responded quite impressed with the zoo visit so far. I had lived in Columbus for four years and I had never visited the zoo.

Rui came to stand closer to me and I moved away giving him a glare.

He raised his eyebrows at me looking perplexed at my obvious rejection. I shook my head at him not willing to forgive him for his antics last night and this morning.

"You were not pulling away this morning." Rui whispered in my ear as his hands gripped my waist. My body immediately tensed and the pit in my stomach tightened at his touch. The man was causing havoc to my libido.

"Stop it, we're in public!" I hissed at him but he only pulled me closer to him. His hand keeping me against his body, where I could feel his rock hard member against my back. I tried to wiggle away but that only caused more friction. I almost moaned at the tingles in my body.

"That was awesome!" Adriano said oblivious to what the two adults near him were feeling.

"I want to see them some more." We stayed there a while. I was locked in Rui's embrace as Adriano was lost in looking at the gazelles leaping and frolicking about. When the gazelles did not seem to want to entertain us any longer we moved to the Asia Quest where we saw some elephants.

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