Part 4....He came, He saw...He what?

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Pic of Vera's jumpsuit/ pants suit???


I was still pacing this news about Vera's amnesia had upset my whole day. How could I be angry at someone who was oblivious to the current situation? I remembered the fear and hurt in her eyes and I felt like a cad. She was just a victim like I was.

Should I tell her or not?

Maybe not upsetting the balance was best.

My dilemma was so crucial to my son's welfare.

My bedroom door burst open and in came running my little bundle of joy. My son barrelled into my legs as my mother followed in a bit later. She stood just inside of the room staring at us firmly.

"You need to knock first Adriano." My mother tried to reprimand her grandson.

"Sorry Papa," came the gentle voice with the dejected face. I opened my arms and picked up my son. I gave him a kiss on the forehead and his eyes brightened.

"Just remember the next time mio figlio." I told him as he stared up at me with loving eyes.

"Nana wants me to eat carrots but they taste bad!" Adriano whined.

"Carrots are good for you my son, they help your eyes to see everything and help you to grow to be as tall as papa!" I tried to encourage my son.

Adriano scrunched his face hoping for another response from me.

"They taste bad and smell." Adriano upped the ante in his case against carrots. I held back a smile as I looked up at my mother who was letting me cover this one. The joyous look on her face was one I was not pleased with. She appeared to have a hidden agenda.

"Sometimes we have to look past the little things, if we want to get something better, so if you just scrunch your nose and eat the carrot it won't taste so bad." I showed him what to do as he mimicked me and we giggled.

"If you eat your carrots Papa will take you for a ride on the helicopter this weekend." I promised. My son's face became so alive with joy.

"You will? On the helicopter?" he asked in disbelief.

"Yes but you must eat all your carrots everytime you have them on your plate." I reinforced.

Adriano jumped off me, "I will eat all the carrots!" he gestured opening his little arms wide.

"Thank you Papa!" he screamed rushing around the room with his arms wide pretending he was an aeroplane.

I looked at my mother who was still standing there; the look on her face was priceless.

"You better come down to dinner Rui, so we can all eat together." She smiled at me as I stood up and held Adriano's hand. "It will be wonderful for you to show Adriano how to eat carrots."

I paused as I stared at my mother in horror.

"Um..." I looked at my son whose face was radiating happiness as he looked up at me. 

I looked back at my mother and she said, "If you eat them then he will too."

I scrunched up my face, I hated carrots.

"Yes Papa we eat them together and then we can go on the helicopter!" Adriano added unaware of my own dilemma.

I had been conned.

I groaned as my mother's laughter echoed throughout the hallway.

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