(2) Crack & Conversations

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just in case you wanted to hear the song that Mary was singing ^^

(2) Crack and Conversations


"So how hot was he, on a scale from muy feo to muy caliente?" JoJo asks me as she takes the blunt from in between her lips and passes it to Mac.

I shrug, taking a sip of the beer that I was nursing in my right hand. "I don't know, bro. I'd say he was pretty hot, but the whole twitchy nervousness thing kind of took away from that."

I was supposed to be home a little over an hour ago. But instead I was here, in my friend's crib, doing weed and drinking beer. Typical Friday night.

Mac, JoJo, and Kelsey have been my best friends since junior high. They're the only people I know who are more sick and twisted than I am, which makes them really refreshing to hang out with. Despite their equal wealth, they're still so down to earth, unlike all the other stuck up snoots that you meet on the Upper East Side.

"Yeah, and plus he's practically you're brother." Kelsey adds, taking a swig of her own beer.

"So what? Everyone knows that when there's no blood, the cum will flood." Mac interjects, making me almost do a spit take.

"You're disgusting." I snort, wiping my mouth.

"You flatter me." she responds, a proud smirk on her face.

We stayed chilling for another hour or so before my phone almost explodes from all the missed calls from my mom and I decide it was time to go home.

I kiss all of them goodbye before leaving Kelsey's apartment and hopping on the subway.

I refused to take the limo. The idea of somebody making their living off of waiting on me made me sick. Unlike my mother, I actually remember a time where me and her were dirt poor, living in a one room apartment in the slums of Bed Sty.

She's gotten so used to the riches of Manhattan, that she won't even come near a taxi, let alone the subway. And keep in mind it was the same subway that took us everywhere when I was small. Back when we used to do everything together. I miss those times.

When I get back to the apartment it's around 11:30. I'm super tired, and a little loopy from all the crack and liquor I've just consumed. I take the private elevator up to our penthouse and as soon as those doors open I see my mother standing there, her arms folded along her chest, a deadly look on her face.

"Where have you been?!" She asks sternly.

"Out." I answer smugly, stepping out of the elevator.

"It's almost midnight. We were worried sick. You missed your brother's dinner."

"He's not my brother, mom. I don't even know him." I correct her.

"Well, maybe if you were here tonight instead of doing god knows what with god knows who, that wouldn't be the case, now would it?" She retorts, her chestnut eyes burning through mine.

I sigh, not wanting to argue any longer. I hated arguing with my mom. Unfortunately it's all we do lately. "Alright, I'm sorry mom."

"Well you should be. You're starting college next week for Christ sake. You're becoming an adult. So It's gosh darn time you start acting like one." she lectures.

It takes me everything I have not to roll my eyes. "And how do you think I should do that?" I play along.

"Well you can start by apologizing to Justin for missing his dinner. He's in his room right now unpacking."

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