(11) Focusing on the Future

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(11) Focusing on Future

"Do you regret it?" Justin asks as we walk in stride down fifth avenue, salty pretzels in hand.

I look at him intently. "Regret what?"

"That whole thing with your friend. Do you regret it?"

I shake my head. "Not one bit. I'm a little sad, but in no way do I regret going off and teaching that stupid bitch a lesson when she needed it. "

He curves his mouth into a half smile. "I'm proud of you." he declares.

I smile back. "I'm proud of myself too." I take a bite of the hot pretzel. "And I think that this was a really good wake up call, you know? I think I'm actually gonna start taking my mothers advice and focusing on my future."

His smile never leaves. "What happened to the annoying, pot smoking rebel that I met my first night here?"

I giggle. "Don't worry, this rebel will always be here to annoy you." I squeezed his chin with my fingers, making him scrunch his face up like a baby.

As we keep walking, Justin and I are in a heavy conversation about whether that annoying dress for earlier this year was blue and black or white and gold (blue and black forever y'all) when I see something that captures my eye.

It's a large blown up picture of Alessandra Ambrosio. It takes me everything I have not to fangirl right here and now. I love her so much, she's like my role model.

"Hey, why'd you stop?" Justin asks walking up next to me, the material of his wool coat rubbing against my arm.

"She's so beautiful, isn't she?" I gush, not taking my eyes off the poster.

"Well, she's hot and everything, but I didn't know you went that way."

You could just hear the slyness in his voice. I turned around and rolled my eyes at him. "You're so dumb." I point out earning a laugh from him.

I turn back to the poster. "But seriously Justin, isn't she flawless? It's like she owns the camera."

"You ever think about doing that?" he asks me.

"What, model?"

He nods.

I sigh. "I guess. When I was little, I would steal my mom's heals and run out into the back alley behind our apartment building," a smile forms on my lips at the memory. "And I'd just sashay, strutting my non existent hips side to side. I just wanted to be just like the models I saw on TV and in magazines. I always hoped it would be me one day."

I look up to see Justin looking at me with a thoughtful gleam in his eye. "Well, why not today?"


"Come on." he orders, wrapping his fingers around my wrist and pulling me towards the door of the building.

"Justin, what the hell?!" I squeal as I feel my feet being dragged in the direction of the large revolving doors.

"Just trust me." He says back as he pushes the door, revealing an open space. I notice a logo printed on the glass. Society Management Modeling Agency.

Oh shit.

From past knowledge, I know that this company houses some of the greatest supermodels in the world, such as Alessandra, Adriana Lima, and Toni Garrn. The very feeling of stepping one foot into this place has me freaking the fuck out.

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