(33) Second Chances Part III

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I get back to my hotel at around the stroke of midnight, and somehow they still manage to find me.

The paparazzi, that is.

They follow me everywhere. Its madness, I tell you.

I get up to the to the room and instantly take my coat off, and walk into the bathroom to engulf myself in a steaming hot shower, the images of today wrapping around my mind like tin foil.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Suki had said on the car ride here, making sure to stay quiet so she wouldn't wake her son.

I wanted too, I really did. I mean I haven't seen Suki face to face since she and Annie flew to Paris for their son's baptism.  But I just couldn't. I was too much emotionally drained to say anything to be quite honest.

I wash my hair and body and step out, putting on my robe and drying my wet mane with a towel.

The thing about fancy hotels in the city, is that whatever room you get always has a nice view. I have a perfect vision of the New York skyline, still alive and vibrant as ever, even in the dead of the night.

I lean against the marble counter, my face almost plastered to the thick glass of the window, my eyes scanning over each and every building and skyscraper wondering if Justin might be in one of them right now.

His voice echoes inside me like a deep growl in an empty room.

"If only you knew.."

I bite my lip, inwardly praying to God for a sign, any sign, to point me in the direction of what exactly I'm supposed to be knowing.

And than, I see it..

A sign.

This time in the form of the thick white envelope that my mother had given me earlier at her apartment. Still unopened by me and resting near my purse, a fulfillment to the promise I made my mother not to open it until after the show.

Well guess what, it's after the show.

I pick it up and quickly remove the duct tape that has been used to cover up my moms snooping. Inside is a small white box and an envelope with my name scrawled in cursive writing.

The envelope had been opened as well, and normally I'd be super mad at my mom for being so intrusive, but I'm willing to let it slide this time considering I know she meant no ill will.

I open the letter, which is written in the same cursive writing that was used to write my name. I walk over to the edge of the bed and take a seat as I begin reading.

Dear Mary,

I've written this letter about a thousand times in my head so excuse me if it sounds a little corny.

You know it's crazy, you've only been gone two days and it already feels like an eternity. Everything reminds me of you. The coffee mugs in the kitchen still have the taste of your lips on the rims, the cotton sheets on my bed still smell of your heavenly aroma, the shower of your vanilla scent.

I can't stop crying. Like literally I look like a freakin dope right now just writing this. I just wanna be with you, that's all. If I die tomorrow, the one regret I'll have is not staying, telling you I love you and holding you close like I've always intended.

You're my everything, Mary. And without you I have nothing.

I wish I could come after you, I could if I would. But everyone refuses to tell me anything. Your mom is too distraught with my whole dad cheating thing and apparently Annie and Suki are in Zimbabwe for god knows what.

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