(15) Tell Me What You Want..

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(15) Tell Me What You Want


"I really don't understand why you just had to wear a Hawaiian shirt," I tell Justin as we lug our suitcases across the terminal Hawaii International Airport, finally getting off after a ridiculously long flight. "You look like such a tourist."

"News flash Mary, I am a tourist." he says back as he drags his feet behind me, his duffel bag lifted above his shoulder. "We both are. Why not embrace it?"

I roll my eyes at his corniness. "You know if this whole singing thing doesn't work out, feel free to get in the greeting card business." I quirk.

He rolls his eyes. "Ha ha, hilarious," he says sarcastically. "But you should stick to modeling, I don't think you'd quite make it as a comedian."

I playfully shove him. "Shut up."

We walk down a little more, bags in hand. My suitcase is big and heavy, and I feel like my arm is right about ready to fall off, but I'm not about to give it to Justin because just the thought of those glorious muscles on his big, strong tattooed arms being pulled by the force of heaviness makes my panties damp.

Let's just say I'm trying to control my urges, at least for now.

As we get out of the airport, a thought dawns on me. "Hey Jus, how are we gonna get out of here?" I ask.

He shrugs those broad shoulders of his. "I don't know, I guess we could call a cab or-"

I stop his words with a hand to the chest. "Hey, that guy's holding a card with your name on it." I point towards the section right by the opposite door of the airport, where three men with driving caps stand. In the midst of them, stands a tall guy with kind eyes and a sign that reads Bieber.

"Well, I didn't call for a limo. Are you sure it's me?"

"Well, no offense Justin, but your last name's not that common." I state, matter of factly. "Come on, let's make sure." I pull on the palm of his hand, leading him up to the said area.

"Excuse me," I approach the man as politely as possible. "Is this car reserved for a Justin Bieber?"

The man nods. "Yes," he answers in an accent that I can't quite comprehend.

"Did my father send you?" Justin inquires.

The man hesitates, than shakes his head. "No sir, Ms. Mallette did." he says. "She sent me for a Mr. Bieber & a Mr. Bieber's girlfriend."

I feel like I'm gonna pass out.

"You are Mr.Bieber's girlfriend, correct?" he adds.

I open my mouth, but no words come out, so I just look at Justin, my eyes begging for him to answer for me.

He looks confused but shakes it off and answers anyway. "Um, no actually. There must be some type of mistake. Although Mary is my plus one on this trip, we are not romantically involved in any way, shape or form."

I turn to him with crinkled eyebrows. "Ok, we get it!" I snap.

He gives me yet another confused look. Which I guess is well deserved. But I can't help it. I hate the fact that he's unintentionally rubbing my unrequited feelings in my face. If only he knew, man.

Too Close for Comfort  • jdb ( #wattys2016 )Where stories live. Discover now