(10) The Real and the Fake

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(10) The Real and the Fake


"So what're you working on there?" I ask Justin as I walk into his room and flop onto his bed.

He looks up from his guitar with a serious expression on his face. "It's a love song I was supposed to be writing for Delilah," he grunts. "But since that all went to shit, it's pretty much meaningless."

I sit up and gold my hands over my lap. "Well, let me hear what you have so far."

He looks at me apprehensively before sighing and turning his attention back to the guitar and the sheet music in front of him.

"Ain't no need for contemplating, promise you won't keep me waiting." He sang out.

His voice is so beautiful. Like an angel's chorus. I never wanted it to be over. Too bad after one sentence, it was.

"That's all I have." He says, closing the book of sheet music.

I look at him in disbelief. "One sentence? Damn, man you really need to up your game."

He chuckles whilst shaking his head. "I know. It's just hard, you know? Writing a song about love when you aren't in love."

I sigh and put my hand on his shoulder, virtually calming him. "Justin, you'll find love again. I'm sure of it. But in the meantime, don't stress out so much about this song. Just put it aside for now and when you start feeling a certain way about someone again, you can pick up right where you left off. There's no rush."

He smiles and takes my hand in his. "Now, who's the fortune cookie?"

I giggle and shove his arm with my other hand, which causes a slight pain to surge through my knuckles when they meet the hard exterior of his forearm.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: that guy is ripped.

I always kind of get this giddy feeling when my skin touches his. I don't know how to describe it, it's almost like I'm this little schoolgirl who gets tense around her first crush.

Except, I don't have a crush Justin-- I think.

Anyway, back to reality.

"Whatever, smartass. Anyway, you tryna get out of here? I'm starved."

He nods. "Yeah, sure. Let me just hop in the shower."

mmm, Justin in the shower. that's a throwback.

"Ok," I stand up. "I'll wait outside."

I leave Justin's room with very descriptive images in my head of that day in my bathroom.

His body, all sexy and built, being rubbed by his strong, rough hands and -- man, I need to get laid.

I hear a knock on the door. I know it can't be mom or Jeremy because he's in Cape Cod Doug promotion for the hotel and my mom tagged along to keep an eye on Wanda.

I mean can you blame her?

I walk over to door and look through the peep hole. A large head of strawberry blonde hair comes into view. No way.

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