(31) Second Chances Part I

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(31) Second Chances Part I

9 months later


"I still can't believe the landlord let you move in to our old apartment." I tell my mom as I stand on the balcony of the Bed Stuy apartment I had spend the first quarter of my youth in.

She smiles, taking a sip of her Long Island iced tea as she sits on the wheel chair, that she is now permanently conformed to. She's not complaining though.

Spending the rest of your life on a wheelchair is a small price to pay for having your cancer fully cured, to which my mom was eternally grateful.

"Yeah well," she smiles running a hand through her now-short and soft chestnut hair. "the I-used-to-have-cancer card really goes a long way here in Bedford." she giggles.

Just the sound of her giggle makes me do the same. She's seemed a lot happier since the divorce was finalized, and I feel like she's finally back to her old self.

I smile and tuck a strand of my now shoulder length hair, being careful not to wrinkle the plushness of my fur coat in the prices. "It feels good to be home, doesn't it?" I laugh, finally in a good state of mind.

She beams and rolls over to me, reaching for my hand and taking it in hers. "It's a better feeling to have you home." she looks up at me. "I'm so proud of you, mija.

My cheeks redden at the realization that she's about to get mushy. "Mom-" I giggle with embarrassment.

"What?" she raises her hand in faux defeat. "It's not everyday that your only daughter is handpicked all the way from Paris to model in the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. Like how can you not

I grin proudly. "Cmon, your embarrassing me." I step through the screen door and back into the foyer, which ironically seems to look exactly how it did 13 years ago; small and humble.

I hear the rolling of the wheels behind me as I take a seat on the tan leather couch. The place is a lot smaller than I remember, but who can blame me? I've spent almost 14 years of my life in an apartment that belonged in the glossy pages of Town and Country.

"So anyway," she comes over to wear I am and pulls the breaks of the wheelchair, stopping herself in place. "Besides me, who else is coming?"

I pick up the mug of chai tea from the coffee table and take a sip. "Just Suki and Annie, and Olivier of course. Some other people might be coming too but nothing is confirmed."

She gives me an attentive look. "By other people would you mean..Justin?"

I hold my hand to my mouth to keep from spitting out the hot liquid. "What?" I ask with genuine surprise. "Why would he be invited?

Truth is, I haven't seen or talked to Justin since the incident at the apartment, after which I boarded a plane to Paris, where I've been settled for the past 9 months now.

"I don't know sweetie, I thought you may have had a change of heart..or something."

I find myself getting angry at her light hearted statement. "A change of heart? Mom, are you forgetting that this is the same guy who kept Jeremy's cheating away from you..us...for all those months?"

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