(20) Excitement

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(20) Excitement


When I was 6 years old, I rode a bike by myself for the first time ever. I remember the exhilaration I felt as my mom finally let go of the handle bars, letting me swish down the sidewalk, my hair flying behind me, my little feet sticking to the pedals like glue.

I never thought I'd feel that kind of excitement ever again. That is, until I found myself wrapped in the arms of Justin Drew Bieber.

That, my friends, is what I call excitement.

It kind of sucks that we have to sneak around so much, though. It's been a whole 27 hours since we shared that amazing moment in the apartment, and I haven't been able to talk to him since.

Tonight, mom and Jeremy are celebrating. For what, I don't even know. All I do know is, they seem happier than ever. Which I guess is a good sign considering they were at each other's throats not even a month ago.

The dinner is held at the Sheraton hotel in uptown Manhattan. I would usually hate these type of snooty uptight events, but Justin's here, so it makes it all worthwhile.

Ivan picks us up at 8:30 sharp tone take us to the restaurant. Inconveniently, my mother sits in the middle of us, as Jeremy sits up front with Ivan. Justin just looks so good in his suit, I wanna pounce on him and dry hump him into oblivion right here and now.

Too bad I can't do anything like that. I can't even give him a too friendly hug without worrying about our parents  gonna catching us.

We get to the restaurant after an about 25 minute drive, and Ivan parks the car with the valet. Justin gets out first, followed by my mom, and than me.

As I get out, I feel a hand come down and touch my bare wrist, pulling me into someone's chest. I know that rock hard chest anywhere.

"You look so hot right now, it should be illegal." Justin's rough voice whispers in my ear, causing me to shiver at his words.

I giggle and turn to look around, making sure no one is in earshot. "Justin, stop. We're supposed to be hiding." I place a hand on his chest.

He lets out a deep groan. "How am I supposed too hide the most beautiful girl in the world?"

I gulp and cross one leg over another. "If you keep talking like that, I'm gonna have to pounce on you, and that will not look good for our image."

He chuckles. "Fine, but when we're behind closed doors, you're mine."

I turn to face him completely. "I'm always yours, Justin." I whisper making him groan yet again as he links his arm through mine.

"Ok, let's get inside before my boner ends up taller than the Empire State Building."

We both laugh and walk into the ballroom of the wide, luxurious hotel, where dinner is already being served.

Justin sits across the table from me, and believe me when I say this, his eyes are glued to mine like a bottom to a shoe. I want to tell him too stop, that its inappropriate at the table, that someone could probably catch us. But I can't. Because all I've been thinking about since yesterday is the feel of his mouth against my skin, and his strong arms around my waist. And as much as I hate this new animal like prowess I'm struggling through, my sexual testosterone levels are through the roof.

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