Chapter 4

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Niall’s POV:

“Are they always like that?” Em asked “Ha, yeah.” I laughed and just about then her phone rang. She answered it and I could hear yelling on the other side of the phone. She look pissed off and told me she would be right back and walked into the other room; I looked the way she went. I decided to get up and stand where she could not see me and listen to what she was saying. She had put the phone on speaker so she could hear better cause of, I am guessing, her aunt screaming. Her aunt screamed at her “DID YOU DO ALL THOSE THINGS BLAIN SAID YOU DID?!” “AUNT TETA! OF COURSE NOT!” She yelled back. “Then why did he tell me all of that?!” “Cause he HATES ME!” “I think you are lying to me!!” “NO!!! Aunt Teta I would NEVER do that!” “Well, I’m Sorry Emma but I can’t have someone like you living with me!” “NO! Please aunt Teta! I have NO where else to go!” “I’m sorry but I can’t have someone like you living in my house!!” By this time Liam and Zayn had come out of their rooms and Harry and Louis had come in from out back and were at the top of the stairs listing to what Em was saying. Emma was crying her eyes out now; even though I couldn’t see her I could hear her tears. “Aunt Teta! PLEASE! I need you!” “I’m sorry! You’re just going to have to find somewhere else to stay! I have to go now. Bye.” Her aunt hung up on her before she could say anything else. Emma dropped her phone and fell to her knees; I came out of the kitchen when I heard her knees hit the ground and got down beside of her and Liam and Louis came running down the stairs to comfort her, like big brothers would do their little sister. They already thought of her like a sister.

Em’s POV:

“I’m sorry! You’re just going to have to find somewhere else to stay! I have to go now. Bye.” Aunt Teta hung up on me before I could say anything else. I dropped my  phone and fell to my knees and was crying uncontrollably and  Niall came out of the kitchen and got down beside of me and Liam and Louis came running down the stairs to comfort me, like big brothers would do their little sister. “I have no were to go!” I cried, “My WHOLE family HATES me!” I was down on my knees with my hands over my eyes; Niall was beside me with his arms around me, Liam was rubbing my back with his hand and Louis was in front of my trying to get me to move my hands out of my face and when I did he looked me right in the eyes and said, “Hey now! Don’t cry! Your making your beautiful green eyes red!” and he frowned at me. I saw that Zayn and Harry had come down the stairs and where leaning on the back of the couch.

Liam and Niall gave each other a look like they were talking with their eyes and right when they looked back down at me Liam said “You can stay here with us as LONG as you need!” and he put big emphasis on the word long. I jumped up as he said that and knocked Niall on his ass and Louis to. “NO!” I practically yelled at them, “I don’t want to impose on you guys!” Harry walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder and said, “Even though you have only been here for ONE day you could never do that! I feel like I have known you all your life from everything you have told us about yourself, to how you act around us 5 weirdo’s” He smiled at me and I kind of laughed at that a little. Zayn walked over to all of us and said, “Yeah you could never impose on us” he smiled at me “and plus Perrie, Danielle and Eleanor basically live here to, so you won’t be the ONLY girl here” he added to what he was saying, “AND if Liam tells you to stay then he must really like you, he’s already protecting you like you are his sister.” Louis added and smiled, “So are you” Liam said sticking his tongue out at Louis. “I just feel like I would be in the way and y’all have to-“ But Niall cut me off before I could finish what I was saying, “You won’t be in the way it would actually be nice to have a girl here all the time,” he smiled at me, God he has an amazing smile it sends shivers down my spine every time he smiles at me. He continued and it brought me out of my thoughts. “PLUS, it will keep Harry clothed.” He gave a cheeky grin to Harry; Harry stuck his tongue out at Niall and said, “Just cause there’s a girl here don’t mean I’ll be wearing clothes ALL the time.” He gave Niall a cheeky grin back. “Hey now, if I’mma be staying here you better AT LEAST have pants on OR if you have to your boxers.” I smiled for the first time since I talked to my aunt.

They all had been wrestling around after what happened, I was laying on the floor on my stomach watching Teen Wolf when Louis comes running in from outside soaking wet and yelled, “GUESS WE’RE GOING SWIMMING SINCE ZAYN PUSHED ME IN THE POOL!” he practically made the others go upstairs to change and go swimming. He ran up the stairs as the other boys where going to put their swim trunks on and he stopped at the top and yelled, “COME ON EMMA! GET ON YOUR SWIMSUIT!” “Okay, okay Lou! I’m coming!” I went upstairs and changed into my lime green two piece, with the purple flowers on it, I had bought it for my birthday. I didn’t even look in the mirror to see myself I just put on my two piece grabbed my beach towel, wrapped it around me and went down to the pool.  Harry, Louis and Zayn where already swimming and Niall was sitting down on a beach chair, I went over and sat down on the beach chair next to him. Liam was on the phone in the living room and after I had sat down for a little he finally come out and was off the phone. He said that he had called Danielle and she was coming over in a little while to swim with us; Zayn and Louis said they would call their girlfriends as soon as they were dry enough to go inside cause Liam would beat them cause they were wet. Niall looked at me and said, “Well, are you going to dive in or not?” “I will when you do” I gave him a cheeky grin. “How about we jump in at the same time?” he gave me that grin that gets to me EVERY time! “Okay, okay” I said. We got up and walked over to the edge of the pool, I dropped my towel and was about to jump in when I saw the look Harry and Louis had on their faces, Zayn had done got out of the pool, they had the ‘what-is-that/worried look on their faces, Niall saw they were looking and looked to, he had the worst look out of them all, I followed their gaze with was on my stomach, I had totally forgotten I had the biggest purplish/blue bruise on my stomach. Niall was the first to speak, “H-how did you get that?!” he sounded REALLY worried. “I uhh, I umm…” my voice trailed off. I jerked up my towel, put in front of me and ran inside, Niall and Liam ran after me after standing there looking worried for a second.

*--------------------tell me what y'all think! I need to know if I'm doing a good job or not! Xx--------------------*

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