Chapter 15

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Emma’s POV:

I was wrong. I had nightmare after nightmare. The only thing good about that night was that Niall was there and every time I woke up screaming or crying he would comfort me and hold me till I went back to sleep. I woke up like that just about every hour.

That morning I woke up and Niall was sound asleep with both his arms around me. I slowly got out of bed trying not to wake him. I walked out of the bedroom and I could hear talking in the kitchen so I went in there. Harry and Louis where there and they had the table full of Nandos, Niall’s favorite place to eat. They had went and bought just about every food that Nandos has. They wanted Niall to have his favorite food since he was back from the hospital. They told me to go wake him up so I went back in the room, sat on the side he was sleeping on, kissed his forehead and said, “Wakey wakey, baby! It’s time to get up!” he sat up, but when he did he grunted and grabbed his shoulder where he had been shot. I frowned “Are you hurting baby?” I asked. “Yeah, just a little, sweetheart.” He said back. “Do you want your pain medicine?” I asked him. “Yes please, love” he said. He took the medicine and went and ate.

We were sitting on the couch watching TV. He had his arm around me; Zayn was on the other side of me and Liam, Louis and Harry where on the other couch. “Do you want something to drink baby?” I asked Niall. “Water would be fine” He answered. “Ohh, I would like a water to!” Louis said. “Get one yourself, lazy ass.” I said and gave him a cheeky grin.

Niall’s POV:

Emma went to the kitchen to get me a water. “Well that was rude.” Louis said crossing his arms. “The only reason she even asked Niall if he wanted something is because he’s hurt and she feels like it’s all her fault.” Harry said to Louis. “Well, it’s not her fault. I have told her time and time again but she just won’t listen to me.” Louis said. “I have tried to” Liam said, “Me to” Harry and Zayn said at the excite same time. She came back with 2 water bottles. “I didn’t really mean what I said, bubba. I’m sorry though. I can be a bit of a smart ass sometimes.” She said. “A BIT!” Harry said laughing. “Yeah A BIT. She said back to him and I’m not the only one either” She said smiling. “You don’t have to do all this stuff for me” I said to her. “Well, I want to.” She said back. “You don’t have to just because you feel like what happened was your fault, cause it WAS NOT!” I said to her.

The next week went by fast. We stayed in California because as soon as the DR took out my stiches and told me it was okay we were going to do our last concert and finish up with the tour. Each concert would be on a different day than what was planned but we wanted to go ahead and do the shows. All our fans bought tickets and everything we didn’t want to let them all down. I got on twitter for the first time since I have been out of the hospital. All the posts that where trending where,



Or #ItsAllEmmasFault!


And a lot more hateful stuff toward my wonderful girlfriend. So I decided to get on twitter and post something myself but I had to use twitlonger:

@NiallOfficial: I just wanted everybody to know, I’m WAY better and me and the lads are doing our last concert in California tonight. So STOP hating on my girlfriend! I love her and it is NOT her fault! If you guys who are posting all that hate, to her, call yourselves fans then don’t. Because you are FAR from fans the way you guys act toward my wonderful girlfriend. So stop the hate, I don’t like it and it makes her cry. @EmmaKate18 I love you more than ANYTHING in the world and would do ANYTHING to make you happy. You are the ONE AND ONLY for me. Don’t ever forget that, baby. I love you to the moon and back! <3

I sent it and put my phone away because it was almost time for the concert to begin.

Emma’s POV:

I was sitting there for time for the boys to go on stage and my phone vibrated. It was a tweet Niall had posted. It was the sweetest thing EVER! There were a few nasty comments so I just didn’t read them and I got on down and Sara had comment on it.

@TheSara13: @NiallOfficial thank you so much for saying what I have wanted to say for so long now! @EmmaKate18 is the most wonderful person in the world and I’m glad someone finally loves her the way she deserves to be loved!

And one from my friend Hannah.

@ThatGirlHannahhhh: @TheSara13 you are totally right! I’m really glad she found a great guy! So all you punk ass bitches back off of our friend and leave her alone! She did nothing wrong and @NiallOfficial is sticking up for her like a boyfriend should. We all love you @EmmaKate18! Don’t forget that! Ohh and you found a wonderful guy so don’t let him go!

I was about in tears when I read what Niall and the girls said. I posted back and said,

@EmmaKate18: @TheSara13 and @ThatGirlHannahhhh you two are the BEST of friends a girl could ask for! And @NiallOfficial you are the best boyfriend a girl could ask for! I love you more than anybody in this whole entire world knows! You are the BEST thing that has EVER happened to me! I LOVE YOU BABY! <3

When Niall came out of the dressing room I ran into him and he picked me up hugging me and kissed me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. “Baby, what you posted on twitter was amazing! I love you so much you just don’t understand! You are wonderful and if you feel the same way that I do, well I’m just going to tell you how I feel, I want to spend the REST of my  life with you!!” he kissed me again, hard, before he spoke. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you to baby!” he said and we kissed once again.

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