Chapter 7

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Emma’s POV: 

I had opened the window some time that day. I was sound asleep. I thought I was dreaming when I heard a voice; I woke up and I could still hear the voice. I got up and walked along the wall on the other side of the room so I wouldn’t have to go near the window. I walked down the stairs ever so quit so I would not wake the boys. Niall was asleep on one of the couches. Louis was asleep on the floor with his head on the other couch where Zayn was asleep. Liam must have gone to his room. I went to the kitchen and got a bottle of water; I drank most of it and decided to take the rest to my room. I was about to go up the stairs when I dropped the bottle and it hit the stairs making a pretty loud racket. Shit. I heard someone steering. It was Niall. “Hey babe, is everything okay?” He asked. “Yeah, I uhh just heard something and couldn’t go back to sleep.” He patted the couch where he was sleeping. “Come here and sleep with me” He said. I walked over careful not to wake the other boys. Niall scooted over and I lay down in front of him and he wrapped his arms around me. “Good night sweetheart” he said and kissed my neck. “Good night.” I said back. I felt safe in his arms like there was nothing that could go wrong. 

I woke up and smelled the familiar smell that was Niall’s cologne. He had somehow managed to sit up and he was playing with my hair. I looked around and Louis was still the same way he was when I came down stairs and Zayn was still asleep. Harry must still be in bed and sounded like Liam was making breakfast. I looked up at Niall and he smiled at me. “Good morning beautiful.” I smiled super big. Waking up next to Niall, seeing that smile and him to tell me good morning was a great feeling. “Morning” I said back smiling.  “How did you sleep?” Niall asked, “Better than ever!” I said. Zayn must have heard us talking because he woke up about then. He sat up looked around and then at Louis and pushed his head off the couch, Louis jumps straight up. I covered my mouth to hide my laughter. Louis looks around and said, “What the hell was that for?” “Your head was on the couch so I thought I would wake you up” Zayn replied giving a cheeky grin. “Arsehole.” Louis said back and just walked up the stairs. Liam comes in the room and says, “Breakfast is ready!” I jumped up, “OOO! YAY! I’m starving!” They laughed at me. I ran in the kitchen. “You and her are a PERFECT match.” Zayn said to Niall.

Niall’s POV:

“Breakfast is ready!” Liam said. Em jumped up, “OOO! YAY! I’m starving!” We laughed at her. She ran in the kitchen. “You and her are a PERFECT match.” Zayn said to me. Liam just laughed and went back in the kitchen. Me and Zayn followed him in and when we got in there Emma was shoveling in a plate full of pancakes. I walked over and kissed her on the top of the head, “That’s my girl.” I got my own plate and sat down next to her. She got done and put her plate in the sink. “I’ll be right back” she said “I’m just going to get mah phone!” she came over kissed me on the cheek and skipped out of the room. I heard her run up the stairs and in just a minute she was coming back down, she stopped at the bottom. “OMG!!!” she screamed. Me and Liam went running in there, “What’s wrong?!” I asked she was standing there; phone in hand, mouth wide open. She held her phone out for me to see. It was a Google news stream. I grabbed her phone and read over it. It said,

‘Niall Horan from One Direction was seen yesterday at Nandos with a beautiful red head that no one has seen him with before.’ 

I looked over at Liam who was reading over my shoulder. I handed her back her phone, “Well, the where going to figure out some way.”  I said.

Emma’s POV:

“Sooo you have to go back on tour soon?” I asked pouting. “Yeah...” Niall said a little sad. “Ugh! I’m going to miss you!” I kind of wined. “Well, me and Liam have done talked it over with the other lads. We are going to bend the ‘no girls aloud on the tour bus’ rule.” “Why?” I asked a little excited. “Because, we don’t want to leave you alone here. You would get way to bored and I would miss you WAY too much.” He said. “AWWE! Baby!” I said. “I don’t want to bother you guys!” he laughed. “Trust me you won’t. You fit right in with us.” He smiled and then our lips met.

“So where all do y’all have to go this time?” “We are going to US.” He said smiling. “Every state except Hawaii.” “OOOO! Cool!” I said but then I got worried and looked down from him. “What is it, love?” he asked, putting two fingers under my chin to left my face to his. “Well, I’m kind of scared to go back to Alabama…” My voice trailed off. “Oh, baby. I won’t let ANYTHING happen to you!” he said with a reassuring smile, and continued on with what he was saying about the tour. “We have an interview the day we leave for the plane. They will ask about you and I’m going to tell them.” “Awe! You like me enough to tell your whole fan base?” I smiled really big this time. “How could I hide a beautiful girl like you? 'I’m just the underdog who finally got the girl and I’m not afraid to tell the whole world' ” I recognized the song lyrics right away. “Lyrics from Truly, Madly Deeply.” I smiled. 

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