The Deal

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"What the hell were you fucking thinking?" Lorenzo yelled as he paced in front of the spot Elena was sitting.

"Lorenzo relax." Tony said as he tried to calm him before something he knew Lorenzo would regret could happen.

As Lorenzo began yelling, this time at Tony, Elena thought back to how she got into this situation that changed her life forever.

It all started four years ago right after Elena Russo turn seventeen and her parents decided to lay some big news on her a few days later. She was the daughter of Antonio Russo the head to one of the six crime families of Southern Florida. The Russo Mafia had the largest part of Miami but business took a hit for the last few years and the only way out of his mess was merging with another family or going through a hostile take over from outside the family or within the family and that would surely end his life and possibly his entire family's life also.

When the word got around that the Russo family was in trouble and willing to discuss merging with another family things became a bit hostile. The only way to merge was through wedlock and his eldest daughter was just a year from being allowed to wed. Seeing her age was too young three families backed out in hopes a deal wouldn't be made so things could sway towards them again. After meeting the eldest sons of the two remaining families Antonio felt it would be in his daughter's best interest and his family's best interest to come to terms with the Moretti Mafia.

Soon after sealing the deal with Michael Moretti Antonio told his wife Camila what had to happen. To say that she was outraged that he had basically sold his daughter for his own life was an understatement. Once he laid out the outcome of other options they had Camila knew she had no choice but to agree. They both knew Elena wouldn't agree as easily so they decided to not tell her until after she celebrated her birthday that year.

Elena came through the front door laughing with a couple of friends from school when she was stopped. "Elena we need to speak." Antonio said as he stood in the entry way of the living room waiting on her to arrive. "Alone." Elena had looked at him confused before turning towards her friends.

"I'll call you two later." She said with a forced smile and they knew better than to question anything so they just nodded and quickly left the mansion. She knew she had been doing great in school and her grades weren't a problem so she was worried about the seriousness on her father's face.

Michael wanted to meet the young lady set to marry his heir so Antonio knew he needed to tell her before they made plans, to give her time to adjust to what was asked of her. He gestured for her to sit and watched as she laid her bag down by the door and slowly walked to the sofa. She hesitated a moment when she saw her mother sitting in there along with her father's right hand man. When Rocco Conte was there she knew something was bad. Elena slowly walked to the sofa and sat down as Rocco moved to stand near her.

"Sweetheart I need you to hear me out before you say anything." He said as he stood near where his wife sat. Elena nodded her head as she glanced between the three of them but settling on looking at her mother the longest who had looked upset before looking back at her father. "The family has been in a bit of trouble. I cannot tell why or how but I need you to understand that you are the only one that can help us."

"How?" she asked looking between just Rocco and her dad this time.

"The family cannot stand alone and survive any longer." Antonio said as he ran his hands down his face. "Our family must merge with the Moretti family to keep safe because of this I had to arrange a marriage."

Realization quickly hit Elena and her eyes went wide as tears began to cloud her vision and her heart beated faster than it had even done before. "No." she said in a low voice as she shook her head.

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