Chapter 2: Johanna

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Hey guys, I promised it would be longer and now it's over 1.4k words. I'm so happy you guys are enjoying this story. Now let's continue were we left off.

Chapter 2: Johanna

Octavia smiles at me , "Good good now we're talking."

I look at her in confusion, my mind was all over and I couldn't even remember who I was or why I was here.

I say "Huh?– What?– Where am I?" As I began to rub my arm.

"My name is Octavia, Repeat after me you're name is Katniss Everdeen, you're from District 12, Peeta is the enemy , he burned District 12 to the ground."

I begin to repeat her ,"My name is Katniss Everdeen, I'm from District 12, Peeta is the enemy , he burned District 12 to the ground."

Each word I said with more anger , smoke was coming from my ears. My hands begin to ball up into a fist. My teeth begin to grind together.

I begin to shake and I ended up pulling off all the plugs I was connected to and ran to a wall. I begin to hit and kick the wall repeating out loud,


Each word I punched the wall harder and harder, until my knuckles were red and bleeding rapidly.

My blood flowing out my knuckles onto the white tiled floors. I notice the man come towards me and pushes me to the wall.

I begin to thrush around acting like an animal. I try to thrust out of his arms but he was to strong.

I began to bite him and sneer at him. I spit in his face and I feel myself become calmer again. I begin to smirk to him as I say,

"You think a little more venom will destroy me you must be mistaking."

He looks at me in anger and says "Oh yeah."

And punches me in the facing knocking me out cold to the floor.

I hear Octavia run over, "Why did you hit her? Snow will not be happy you bruised his number one helper to help end the rebellion."

He replies , "She was pushing my buttons, remind me why I have to tolerate her again?"

She chuckles, " Unless you want to live , do not question Snow's reasons."

I feel more footsteps come towards me lifting me up from the ground. "Must be the other doctors in here." I said

                             *Hours Later*

I toss in my bed after having a nightmare about me and Peeta meeting in the meadow.

I walked into the meadow , the bright green grass the the tall trees blowing in the wind. I notice Peeta in the distance lying on the grass. I smile happily and started to walk towards him.

He hears my footsteps and gets up. But not turning around. I look at the back on him in confusion. I slowly make my way towards him , getting more joy each step.

We could run away together and start over and forget everything that's happened. Me and him and our families could run away and be one happy family.

I finally reach him with a big smile on my face. I put my hand on his shoulder and tried to turn him. But he wouldn't budge.

He began to speak," you should had listened to Octavia, I'm a mutt I did destroy District 12.... I killed my family and almost killed yours."

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