Chapter 3: It's not your choice

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Hey it's me again. I'm still trying to make these chapters longer but it's getting there.
I got over to 100 reads omg I never thought you would like this story, Ilysfm❤️. Now we're we left off .

                Chapter 3: It's not your choice

I wake up to a beeping sound—I look around noticing I'm back in the doctor's room. I feel my hand being caressed— , I look up and see Johanna looking at me.

"Did you get a warm–sleep?"

I couldn't reply my head was hurting and my mouth was parched. I try to open my mouth but no words came out. I point to my neck and Johanna grabs me the cup of water on the doctor's table.

"You can say that—I was so knocked out, that I didn't have a nightmare." I smile up at her but her face remain neutral.

"Why did you help me last night anyway." I sit up on the hospital bed and looked at her. "You don't even like me."

"I never said that." She replies looking over at me. "You just made me sick–with the fake love act, that was actually wasn't an act —But also everyone loves you."

"Yeah–loved me.... Now they know how I'm just a wrath of destruction ready to be put out like a wildfire."

"So speaking of love, Peeta....." I cut her off– my body boils in anger because of that name. Because of him my family could be dead.

"THAT MUTT!" I rise off my hospital bed struggling but Johanna pushes me back down.
"He destroyed everything I will kill him."

I bring my hands to my ears fighting with my inner demons.

"He's not our enemy Katniss"

"He loves you."

"He's coming to rescue you and Johanna from Snow." My conscious tells me.

Johanna looks at me weirdly, she tells me– "I'm going to call Octavia, you're acting crazy."

My conscious chuckles darkly little does she know, Octavia is making me crazy.

The mutt inside me begins to speak,

"Do you really think Peeta needs you?"

"Yes" I say out loud.

"He killed your family Katniss, he takes you as a joke. He laughed in your face, he burned District 12 to the ground. HE KILLED PRIM AND YOUR MOTHER!!!!"

My body was on fire and I yanked all the plugs connected to me. The mutt inside me was right, Peeta will be mine and I will kill him, when the rebellion end. For what he's done to my family and my district.

I just don't know what to do anymore. My mind is all over the place. One moment I'm the real me, and the next moment I'm the mutt Katniss.

Johanna runs back into the room and tells me,

"Octavia said Snow wants to speak with you." She walks over to me and helps me off the bed. "Girl on fire, give him hell." She says with a smile.

My regular self is back at the moment, only time will tell when the mutt will arrive again. I walk to my room and get some clothes on instead of wearing my hospital gown.

Once I'm in some comfortable jeans and a shirt. I stumble across the mirror on the wall, I see my face. My face was covered in bruises from the beatings and the torture I've been through during these weeks in the Capitol.

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