Chapter 21: Destruction

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I am alive you guys!! If you haven't noticed I've been to busy to even type up any chapters oopppsss! Plus I just entered my senior year so yippie😖. Searching for colleges are so stressful. But furthermore my classes are less stressful so I will be dropping some chapters this month and for a while.

Chapter 21: Destruction

Peeta pulls away with a smile,

"I love you too Katniss." He hugs me tightly.

The crowd yells as they saw me and Peeta kiss. I grab Peeta hands and walk off the stage heading into the hovercrafts. I felt Gale eyes on me, I was to of an coward to look his way.

Boggs takes us to a building where we will meet our other soldiers. We all walk towards this open area with other hovercrafts and army trucks.

There was several tents filled with troops. As I walk past them with Boggs leading the way. They all stopped what they were doing and looked at me.

"They still think we're a mutt?"

"We'll have to prove we are with them."

"We will always be a mutt in their eyes!" My mutt says.

I stop as I turn to face them all. I was about to speak but they all out their hands up saluting me. I nodded my head and continued to walk.

We make our way through the tent where we were introduced to a whole squad. I see an Caucasian middle age women with brown hair and covered from head to toe in armor.

She walks towards us as she has her squad behind her,

"Hello, I'm soldier Jackson. Welcome to your squad 451.

We were then introduced to a set of twins that were identical and we didn't know the difference so we called them Leeg 1 and Leeg 2. They both are sharpshooters.

We were also introduced to Homes and Mitchell who I didn't really pay attention to. Boggs was talking to them all about the Halo.

He begins to talk about how the Halo shows active pods, but it does not show the recently added pods.
We were all getting ready for head towards the Capitol.

We went into the supply tent to get weapons like and guns with ammunition. We all hopped into the hovercraft making our way towards a bridge that leads us into the Capitol.

Once the hovercrafts stops, we hop off onto the bridge where we grab our supplies and head off down the long trail.


Once we arrive into the Capitol we saw smoke everywhere. Buildings were destroyed and burned leaving the smell of burnt rubber.

The walkways and streets were covered in crumbled up concrete and glass. Debris filling the air as we walk over the left overs of this abandoned town.

Boggs stays in front of us as we walk down this ghost town with the halo in his hand. We come across a building that looked like an cafe that wasn't destroyed and decided to stay in there for a while.

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