Chapter 22: Cannibal

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long time no see! A post until I post again... which will not be close after--sorry. So let me know what you think and VOTE & COMMENT.

Chapter 22: Cannibal

I've cried myself to sleep once again. I woke up feeling my puffy eyes and I hear everyone having conversations with one another.

I continue to act like a silent troll as I stay in the corner not interacting with anyone. Gale was the first to alert my presents as he walks over to me.

I look up at him as he hold me a piece of bread which I take without any hesitation. Even though in my head I don't know what he had done to this but I could care less right now.

I was to hungry to think about what if's. I take the bread within my cuffed hands and begin to nibble on it. Letting the bread melt into my mouth, the bread begins to get warm with my saliva.

The cheese was warm and stringing when I pulled another piece to eat. The cheese fished out the buns as my mouth begin to water once more.

I swallow the bread enduring the taste. My eyes roll in the back of my head. I know this taste from anywhere.

This was Peeta's bread— cheese buns, that his parents use to make at the bakery. That was my favorite bread that I use to get at his families bakery.

I always thought after his families death, he would never bake again but I guess he changed his mind. He even shared gave me a piece of my favorite bread his parents use to make.

After finishing the cheese bun that Gale gave me, I notice Johanna coming my way.

"We'll look whose gone crazy, Brainless?" She says with a snark tone.

I was not in the mood for her smart remarks.

"What do you want Johanna? If you haven't noticed I'm not in the mood for your jokes." I say in spite.

She sits down besides me.

"I know how it feels okay, trust me. Not knowing if things are real or not. I try to think of other things besides being tortured. I still have moments when I'm afraid to even touch or be near water."

I look at her understanding that I'm not the only one with problems here. She has problems as well, we're both on the same boat.

"We're both fucked up people aren't we." I whisper.

"We're fucked up people that seems to care and love for us. Unlike me you have two fine pieces of ass to have. While I'm o the other hand single and ready to mingle." She winks at me before she finishes her sentence, "Speaking of handsome let me speak to hunter boy."

She gets up and begins to walk towards Gale who was looking over at me. How eyes wondered off as my eyes finally meet his.

I didn't have butterflies in my stomach when I look at him unlike how I feel when I see Peeta. This was different my body longed for him as my friend, my hunting partner.

But things were different now and it will never go back to how it use to be. Gale will never stop loving me until he realizes that I will never love him the way he loves me.


Boggs decided it was time for us to head out. The sun was starting rise and since we hid away from the peacekeepers because of our recent encounter with a pod, we wanted to stay hidden for a while longer.

We started to walk which turned into a long journey. My hands were still cuffed together but they have me my bow and arrow for propo purposes.

Once we come across these to big gray buildings the Halo goes off which makes Boggs put his hand up telling us to stop.

He yells behind himself,

"Take guard!" As we run behind the buildings as he grabs a rock and between the alley the buildings form.

Once the rock makes a halfway mark, guns begin to come out the walls and begin to shoot rapidly. Bullets were going everywhere. The sound was so loud it made me go crazy.

I put both of my hands over my ears and begin to whisper to myself.

"My name is Katniss Everdeen, I'm from District 12. I won the 74th..." I was interrrupted as Finnick pulls me up.

Boggs begin to split us up into groups as he walks down the alley. I hear a big boom as I see Boggs fly into the air losing both of his legs.


We all ran to him as I begin to scream his name. He grabs my hand and tells me to grab the halo. By this time we found out one of the Leeg twins were hit by the pod as well.

The Leeg Twin finally heard her sister whimpering and ran to take care for her.

I grab the pod that was a few feet away from Boggs.
Homes ran towards us as he heard Boggs give the Halo rights to me.

I was struggling to get the Halo in my hand because of the handcuffs and it was the right time to try and unlock me.

Boggs says "Boggs transfer command to— say your name."

"Katniss Everdeen." I saw confused as I finally hear the halo say.

"Halo is now under Katniss Everdeen's control."

Before I could say anything else Boggs says,

"Don't trust anyone, kill anyone if you must. You know what you and Peeta came to do." He closes his eyes symbolizing that he's dead.

I let out a shaky breath feeling tears come down my eyes as Peeta comes over to me. He hugs me and comforts me as I hear a Clank.

We all look over to see the Leeg twin stepped on another pod. We turn to look behind us as we see both walls in front and behind us were closing.

We all saw a black tar flowing from behind us. We got up and started to run while some others ran to help get the Leeg twins some help.

We started running up the stairs to the nearest building that was stories up into the air. That's when nothing but hell happened.

Excuse any grammar errors or mistakes. 

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