Chapter 7 ~ Humans

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© 2013 by Authorninja. All rights reserved. 

Chapter 7 ~ Humans

I stared at the vampire with shock and hatred. I wanted to kill it. I wanted to push the leech against the wall and end the misery it would cause to humans. I bit back a growl and my hands turned into fists. Calm down, I instructed myself.

I knew I needed to keep calm so I wouldn't give away our secret. If a vampire knew who we were; we'd be dead meat within seconds. We wouldn't be able to carry on the mission.

So I bit the insides of my cheeks and held back a scowl. I unclenched my fists hastily in hopes that he didn't notice my sudden wave of anger. 

Then I did the thing I never thought I would ever do: I smiled at the vampire.

"Sorry, my bad." I gave him what I hoped was an apologetic smile. The corner of his mouth rose a little, "Don't worry, I'm used to girls falling for me." He had the audacity to wink at me.

No way. I held back a gag, the leech actually thought I would like him? It was hard for me not to lash out with my hidden stake that was placed secretly in my boot and kill him, let alone like him.

I scanned the Vampire, wanting to fully comprehend the monster's looks. This leech reminded me of a bolt of lightning. He had deep-set blue eyes with fine, wavy, brown hair. He was very tall and had a graceful build. His skin was tanned, and his clothes were dark. I could see his toned body slightly from under his tight shirt. He seemed arrogant, and I hated the leech instantly.

I snorted, knowing by doing so I wasn't going to give away that I was a shape shifter because it was either a snort or a growl and the former sounded better. I wasn't interested in him. I was just a new student.

Hopefully, he was as stupid as he looked. 

"Nice ego you have there." I told him coolly and started to walk away. I caught a glimpse of shock in his eyes and I felt satisfaction flow through me. The other's were missing.

"Maybe I'm just confident." He defended in a rather cocky tone while trying to walk beside me. I looked around to see where my 'family' had gone, ignoring him. He – the vampire – was persistent. I could see him walk beside me, keeping up even though I was fast-walking in an attempt to get away.

"Maybe you're cocky." I snapped and tried to speed up my pace. But vampires were as fast as shape shifters so it was almost impossible to try and sneak off casually.

"You have to admit, you like it." He winked at me, again. I swore under my breath, one more wink and I would face-plant him to the ground without any remorse.

"I don't know what your problem is," I said as I stopped in front of him. "But I bet it's hard to pronounce." He stood stock still at my insult and I hurried to my biology class. 

Using the map I was given, I found it quite quickly. I stepped inside, apologized to the teacher for being late, which she waved off since it was my first day. I liked my Biology teacher already, how strange. The teacher handed me sheets of paper, which I assumed had something to do with the lesson.

I saw Charlotte and Jason sitting at the back, they shared one of the desks built for two. There was another desk next to theirs; which was empty, thankfully. I wasn't in the mood to socialize. I sat on the desk next to theirs, and whispered a greeting to them as the teacher carried on with her instructions on the project.

The sad thing was: Charlotte and I had already learned everything that we needed to learn. Shape shifters are taught at a very young age everything human children learned in grade school and our minds develop much faster than humans so we didn't have any trouble in remembering things. Even though I hated mathematics and science, they came easily to me. I found drama and art more challenging because our minds were more focused on logic rather than creations.

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