Chapter 22 ~ Truths

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Chapter 22 ~ Truths


That's all I could find. Nothing.

There was no solid information for me to find, only fictional or presumed information on the Witches in the old days. None had information that related to the truth, and certainly none mentioned the outcome of a part shifter, part witch.

I sighed nonchalantly, glancing up at Charlotte whom was studying. "I officially give up." I announced, slamming the last idiotic book shut.

She gave me an apologetic look, "I found nothing either. I went to the library, and there wasn't anything related to witches or any sort of hybrid."

I shut my eyes, displaying how much I was done as I collapsed backwards onto the covers. "How am I supposed to learn how to control it, when I don't even know what I'll become?" I muttered, frowning at how true my words were.

I was rightfully advised that I should do some research, so that I could understand the idea of it all. But it was impossible, I felt as if I didn't know who I was anymore. Not even stupid books or the internet had any relating thing to what was going on, which wasn't too much of a surprise; we were a secret after all. I was still annoyed that I couldn't get any answers though.

The door suddenly slammed open, abruptly braking me from my thoughts. Jason entered the room, Harry was close behind. The boys had excited glints in their eyes, as they sat opposite me on the covers. Charlotte immediately stopped what she was doing and joined us, sensing an important subject.

Harry pulled out an ancient-looking binder out of his bag, placing it in front of me. "I found what you were looking for, Empress!" He grinned at me, ignoring the glare I gave him for the title.

I sighed, scanning the book. "Book of Mirum?" Charlotte read, her eyebrow raised. "What the heck?"

Jason waved her off, moving his gaze back to me. "This book is an ancient book, disguised as some boring rubbish that no one will read. But it's about the Hybrids, and all it's secrets." He explained, his eyes growing more exited as my eyes grew more wider.

"There's a book about the hybrids?" I repeated, gaping at the two. "I thought we were a secret!" I hissed, feeling completely belittled. All our lives, we've learned to keep ourselves secret from humans; but we had a book written for us. That just screamed stupid.

Harry shook his head, "It isn't easy for humans to have access to this book, it's usually just in special libraries or buildings built for Hybrids. We found this one back at the base, in that old book case. It turns out they made it look normal on the outside, but it holds many secrets on the inside." Harry explained, with an eager look in his features. I've always been aware of his love for books and literature, but never had I seen it so evident until then.

I opened the book, and flipped the half-worn and warn-out pages to the table of contents. I read through them, registering that it indeed was about our kind.

I scanned the chapter titles, noticing how I hardly knew the half about my own kind. A few titles stood out to me, but a lot looked extremely unfamiliar. I realized that vampires, shifters and witches weren't alone. I saw things like; Valkyries for Dummies, How To Be A Harpy, A Gift To A Nymph and To Enlighten A Siren. All mentioned names of creatures that were foreign to me, but it made me think of how I should have learned of my fellow Hybrids a long time ago. But truth be told; Vampires, shifters and witches were all locked in their own personal bubble. We were the most populated, and the most dangerous species of the Hybrids.

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