Chapter 26 ~ Suspicions

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Chapter 26 ~ Suspicions

I sighed, practically slipping out of the stool with exhaustion.

"Are you okay, Blaire? You look tired." Charlotte whispered from beside me, careful not to get the teacher's attention.

I frowned, "I couldn't sleep."

The Hybrid civilization shall begin or end.

It was enough that I had to re-do the senior lessons, but having Adana's prophecy ringing in my head was a little distracting.

Charlotte frowned at me, "You haven't been the same since what happened with Harry."

I gave her a blatant look, "I wonder why."

She scoffed, "Don't get all sassy with me, Blaire. You and Harry have been a little off recently, all sulky and sensitive."

I sighed, "Well, Harry died and I became a full-fledged voodoo witch. I wouldn't be too surprised if we've been a little off."

Charlotte frowned as she ignored my rude comment, "It's like all the energy was sucked out of you. I'm not surprised though, since I've been doing research on witches recently and the magic you used on Harry was seriously extreme. It's no wonder why you've been so drained recently, but that got me thinking - why would it effect Harry? If anything, your energy should have been given to him right? So why is he so down too?"

I sighed, "Because he had a traumatic experience possibly?"

She rolled her eyes, "I've done my research, Blaire. I think Harry has some sort of connection with you, I think he can feel what you're feeling."

I frowned, "But that sounds oddly confusing,"

Charlotte put her hand on my arm so I turned away from the textbook I was staring at and looked at her, "This is big, Blaire. The magic you used cause you to give your energy to Harry to help him live, which means you basically shared your energy with him. But now it's been a while, you're both still almost feeding off each other's energy - which there is none. What if he's in need of energy but since you're so out of it after what happened that there is none, which would explain why he's not himself?"

I narrowed my eyes at her, "You may be on to something. But why would we be feeding off each other's energy when I'm the one who gave my energy to him?"

Charlotte nodded, "Apparently it's like you've created this bond between you. This spell is really rare and hard to use, because you're basically putting life back in to someone. You didn't even need to say or think of a spell, which is pretty hardcore. Harry's alive now, but not really. He died, and it's going to take a lot for him to be the healthy living person he was before. So now it's basically as if you're rationing energy between each other, and since you're both weak after what happened - there isn't much energy to share."

I scowled, "So I have to share my energy with him? That wouldn't effect me too much, right?"

She smiled, "I don't think so. I'm not too sure how it works, but once you've healed enough after what happened I guess we'll see."

When the bell rung, I spun in my seat and left class after collecting my stuff. Charlotte and I made our way to the cafeteria, sitting in our usual seats with the rest of the leeches and shifters.

Huh, never thought I'd say that.

I gave a slight smile to Peter, Josias and Jason. We sat with them, to be later joined by Margret. She gave me a wide grin, sitting in the empty seat beside me. Ever since the incident, she would always be so kind to me. Not that she wasn't before, but now it seemed like she had a new-found respect.

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