Chapter 23 ~ Heartaches

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Chapter 23 ~ Heartaches

"No." Charlotte and I dead panned, not even considering the idea.

Harry pouted, "Please? Just this once!" He pleaded, while Jason nodded along beside him.

I shook my head, "Haven't we gotten ourselves in enough trouble? Remember last time we followed one of your ideas, to go to that stupid party?" I winced after I had said it, turning to Charlotte. I had almost forgot about her getting bitten, and how it must have scarred her.

She didn't seem phased, "She's right. We can't just go Vampire slaying when we're on such a delicate mission, it'd be idiotic."

Jason huffed, "It's so boring here. We're not even doing anything!"

Well, we couldn't deny that.

In the several weeks we've been here, it all did seem pointless. But I hadn't heared a word from the Elders, making us feel truly alone in this mission. We hadn't found any clues, or anything to help us.  The only thing we've managed to do is get friendly with leeches, which I wasn't too sure was the best of ideas.

Charlotte turned to me, I could tell she had given in. "They've got a point. Going on a Vampire hunt could be practice, since we haven't done it in months."

Harry nodded eagerly, "Yes! Target practice, before we go take the royals down!"

I had given in, and they already knew that. "Fine, but if something goes wrong I am not responsible." I muttered, grabbing my scarf to depart into the cold city night's air.

While thinking that no matter what I say, I was always going to be responsible when it comes to leeches.


"Oh my gosh!" Charlotte exclaimed under her breath, her hand over her mouth.

In front of our eyes, we could see a young human girl surrounded by a pack of Vampires. It was completely unfair, there was eight of them and only one of her. Plus the fact that she didn't have the added abilities that they had, so she was pretty much out-matched.

As they circled her in the wide alley, throwing rude remarks her way; I could already feel my feet leading me towards them. My stake in hand, I strolled towards the mass of leeches while the troop hid in the shadows beside me.

The leeches could already hear my footsteps, as they all turned toward me. The largest one hissed at me, his eyes landing on the stake in my hand. "This is none of your business, creature." He said, hissing the common nickname for us shifters. "Leave us with our dinner." He commanded, whilst I silently mocked his stupidity.

"Do you really think I'd let you do that, leech?" I sneered, stepping closer to the pack.

The human whimpered, as the leeches stepped away from her and formed a semi-circle in front of me. "You and what army, brute?"

I snickered, happy that he said that as my friends stepped out of the shadows. The leeches backed away, taken by surprise at their sudden appearance. Charlotte stepped beside me, looping her arm with mine. "I'd run if I were you, boys." She gave them an innocent smile, a trademark before her kills.

Jason and Harry stepped forward, stakes in hand. We were prepared for a fight, when the closest leech shouted; "Kill them!"

That was all we needed, as the two groups roared while we clashed together. I found myself facing with one of the recently turned ones, the worst out of all leeches. His wide eyes were already firey red, I couldn't help the shudder that came through me at the hunger that was evident in him.

Desire To Kill (#1 in The Hybrid Wars series)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora