we've got a whole lot of history chapter 11

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Zayn pov

After Michael told us the story of what's going on with him going on with him at home I felt like was going thought that again but in my case it was my mother drugs and stuff and it was nothing as bad as he's going through I just went through something a little similar she never did anything sexual to me and my sisters and that's what you thinking but where she was high all the time we were doing without food she was going out with guys all the time that type of thing to are father passed away she couldn't hope she lost it and if you know what few years later she got her act together and now we're close again and she's really sorry for what she was doing that then its just after my father died she has lost it but it was a good thing we are put in foster care and stuff why she was in that position and now that she's cleaned up she has a good relationship with me and my sisters and she think my older sister for taking care of us when she didn't but it was hard for her back then but I don't let me go into talking about this to people but my best friends do you know about that situation was back in high school and from time to time she did hit me a little bit but that was just because she was too high at the moment to think straight but I know that you know there's an ad when she wasn't doing drugs she was one of the best people in the world Michael situation is way more serious and this this is not right I don't think ill ever be able to amend the times with his father but at least my mother my mother got got her act together believe believe it or not right now she's married again and you're not going to believe funny married to just going to be funny when I tell this to Michael she's married to Dean Simon Cowell behind that but he was the one that helped her get cleaned up because they used to be friends his best friend back he found out everything that was going on with her she was the one that got her cleaned up you see he was the one to figure things out that was going on with my family and stuff like that. Which I'm grateful to you because we are now. Contract with her when you got her to sober up and everything but at the time I wasn't safe rest stay with her and now he's really good to my mother and I'm so happy that she's got her life on track she's been sober 4/6 years now and they been together since I was around 17 when I was in the foster care system I'm so proud of the woman that you have become learn to forgive her because she actually took the time and cleaned up and then asked us when she got her act together if she could be part of our lives and me and my sisters told her yes she could because she got herself together and got cleaned up we knew that when she was doing all that stuff she wasn't herself because one of our father was alive our mother so wonderful it just hurt her so much that she took the wrong turn and we forgave her because you after all you do only have one mother I was thinking all this as we were walking to the dean's office so take Michael took me out of my thoughts

Michael are you professor Malik you seem like you're lost in thought

Zayn yes I'm fine just thinking back to what happened with my family when I was younger my situation and wasn't as bad as yours your situations a lot worse than what I went through as bad as you are going to write your home but in my case my mother was a bit of a drug addict she has her act together now and me and her and my sisters are close again but at the time that I was in foster care was because she was high all the time bringing different men home all the time and not having enough food on the table you know what I mean wasting money and stuff that should be just wasn't providing the right way she was supposed to be so that's why we were put into foster care that she is very very good now well she's been well for over 6 years so if she wanted to have children now okay good because that's always clean fresh for so long over for so long and she is now married believe it or not she is married to the Dean of this college

Michael I don't think I'll ever get that chance to have that type relation with my father you know what I don't think ill ever turn his life around for us because of the way he is he's too far gone the alcohol and everything I don't know what to do about him sometimes it's just so scary and I'm more scared for my sisters Emily and Bethany I just wish I knew what to do about it well least I know your story and I'm sorry for what you went through the sensor when you were younger but like you said mine is a lot worse and I'm glad that you guys were able to mend the times with your mother

Zayn trust hey I I am too I mean to say that my mother is proud of the man that I became she loves the fact that I am Hart teacher or should I say she loves the fact that I am head of art at Oxford University as an art professor and she is so proud of myself your sister being a nurse my two younger sisters they are still kind of in school I know that she's been sober for over 6 years but she still can't get them back cuz once you're taking away your token away but if you want to have kids and that once you cleaned up down the road and start anew you're allowed you just can't get back to original ones and once they're adults if you want them in the tides with them you're allowed to see them and you are allowed have visitation rights to your ass kids that you lost once you're playing. Just not allowed to get them back back so proud that she's cleaned up my younger sisters do love it when they get to spend time with her she still has the visitation rights with them for once they get the age of 18 they can spend much time with her as they want cuz they won't be part of the system no more cuz all the adults but until they are adults and we technically they're not part of the system now because my sister is still there Guardian she's old enough but this s*** they're still not to see her mother without her visitation supervis still. But at least they get to see her and there doing well

Harry pov

Listen to my best friend as you told and stories to Michael about what happened in his path and we are so happy that him and his mother has got everything worked out along with his sisters because his mother was always sweet woman it all just happened when his father died it was really hard time for them you know and I was so glad that zayn and his sisters the help they need it let hope we can set it up that Michael can live with zayn and Hayden for a while because they do a great job is foster parents zayn been a Foster parent since he was 20 he's like 26 now and Hayden has been one since you've been with him because he told what he does and she want to help him and a lot of the social workers ask him to take his kids that are have siblings they don't want to be broke up and took the part because a lot of people only want to take one of the kids but zayn he will take the kids all together which is a real good thing as soon as we walked into the deans office we told him the whole stroy

Harry hay dean we need to talk to about something it has to do with young Clifford here what to say to that some problems he have in your home

Dean simon cowell come of in my office hay Louis can you come into because we might need you to make some phone calls about this and this stay between all of us in this room and the people that we get to help whoever young Michael wants to know about this

Louis off course sir we lean how to treat things like this

Dean good

Harry I could not help but smile at my baby because he seems so happy to help one of the things I love about my life is good and I'm happy I have him I just the children never had to go through something like this think about what would it be like to have a family of my own I wonder if I'll ever get that one day and hopefully it will be with Louis

Harry well here how it all goes dean told me the whole story behind by his parents did well I should say his father did because his mother died when his sisters are young she died giving birth to the baby anyway. Then it'll happen is because he blames the death on all of his kids and he turn to drinking
And stuff and everything he also started to hurt him and sisters Michaels sisters in another way besides hitting them Michael here his father does things sexually to his sisters so I think we need to get them out of there ASAP and zayn is willing to be there for your father because know one should go through that

Dean I think you guys are right and we should call Paul up and set it up that your going to foster them zayn and we need to call the police and we should get detective Horan to help us out on because she is the one who helped us out before on situations like this hard to believe though she's Niall's mother but she's one hell of a detective

Harry that she is dean

Dean well Louis why don't you call the police and ask to speak to detective Horan because and tell who you are and why your calling she will come over here and help us out she was the one who help out zayn and his sisters when they where young so she will know what to do then call this number and ask for Paul Higgins he will know what this is about when you say your calling from Oxford university because when it gets call from her it about a kid needs help and he will come over and a lot of the time we set it up that they stay with zayn if need. Be

Louis all make thoughts calls right now sir dean

Harry I watch my baby go and make the calls lets hope we can do what best for these kids

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