we've got a whole lot of history chapter 16

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Louis pov

It was almost getting close to lunchtime and I was still busy making those exams for Liam there is a lot that need to be made and I can tell that I was going to be busy right up until lunch doing this thank God I had Vivian helping me because I also had to do the art exams for Malik is going to be a long day I can tell and I'm just waiting for lunch for everybody to have a break because I'm getting hungry and tired of doing this but I enjoy my job. Just as I was thinking about lunch time it hit thank God and soon as it hits I saw my baby walking right into the office

Harry hey baby I go to lunch because I am starved and I need to get out of here for a bit after greeting exam was in doing three lectures yeah I am totally finished least the day is not as hectic as it was yesterday my classes are actually behaving themselves so far I hope I don't have that problem again today like I did yesterday keep my fingers crossed

Louis well if you do have any problems like that baby just tell me cuz at the end of the day you know I'm staying at your house again tonight and I'll give you a good massage again I'm sure that helped you last night take away all your stress

Harry yeah and that's not the only thing that helped me last night baby if you know what I mean by the way we've got to learn to keep it down a little bit because you're not going to believe this we were at that loud that zayn Malik heard of last night and his house
Louis oh no that's not good at all which one of the study here please tell me your weapon because I know I was doing a lot baby you had me going

Harry yes it was you that I heard last night and then he told me you were a yellow or a screamer either way he could hear you you're going to have to learn you keep it down but then again how can you keep it down when someone as me up your arse

Louis quite confident in yourself and me come on baby let's go meet the other guys at the diner since it's only Wednesday because I really want to get out of here for a couple of hours because I've been doing but nothing but office work and getting exams ready for Liam this morning I was also getting others ready for the art department as well

Harry yeah it's that time of year now where we have to do exams for certain departments my department is next week so you'll be doing all that for me next week and trust me history is not an easy subject but I know one thing is very fascinating that's why I love teaching it and I love molding young minds just sometimes I think the Mines have to start working on what they're doing because sometimes they don't think they have the guts so to be here but they do their here let me look at young Michael 14 years old and top of the class and this is Oxford University so that is quite an achievement for him

Louis well you're quite right about all of that he is a very good kid it was his IQ speaking of him how is he doing with his sisters

Harry he's doing way much better now that he is over at Zayn house his his younger sisters love it there honey they're happy that they got their own bedroom they never had that when they were living with their father all 3 of the kids were crammed into one room actually which is not good and if the father want to do something with the daughter is he take them to his room as like their father didn't even care

Louis well we are all safe and sound now come on let's get to that diner or before an Niall meet us any the diner out of everything it has before we get there lol

Harry yeah again eat a lot sometimes I wish I knew where he put it I mean he's like a bloody vacuum cleaner that can suck up anything I don't know how he eats and eats and eats and not gain a pound of weight he's just got a fast metabolism I guess

Louis yeah I guess you're right about the fast metabolisms everything but come on we need to get there because if not he will probably the man has been home lol oh look we're here we pulled up pretty quick baby

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