we've got a hold lot of history chapter17

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Harry pov

We got back to work it seem the rest of the day things went of well and that was good because I really didn't what to deal with what I had to yesterday .I was now in my last class of the day hoping I could leave soon because I. Am beat .I just wanted to get back to my place with my baby .soon as the the last Bell went my baby walked in

Louis hay baby ready to go

Harry yes because I'm beat after along day how about you

Louis im beat to and  I just feel like getting out of here  because I need to because I don't think I can keep my eyes opened

Harry well come on let's go to dinner and stuff then head back to place for the night  because I could use some alone time just me and you

Louis good because I am the same way let's get out of here for the day and we all got of tomorrow because of some work on the school system and stuff

Harry which would be nice to have I'm so beat I what to sleep in the morning

Louis well we can do that baby but right now you said well get some supper for tonight then head home

Harry well come on then baby with that we left to get some food and by the time we got to my place I could tell that my baby was beat

Louis I'm beat

Harry then why don't you take a nap baby

Louis ya but I want you to come and lay down with me

Harry but of course I will lay down with you

Louis good baby because I love it when you cuddle me I feel so same in your arms and I love that feeling

Harry well I will keep you safe baby that what love is

Louis yes you are right lets take a nap we earn it after the day we had at work because all the exams I need to help get ready was a lot

Harry ya and that was only for English and the art department so of course you know you have a lot to work on there and next week you have to do history and science so that's going to be even a little more exams to get ready this is why I like you and you're working at at a prestigious university

Louis what is a good place to be working though you get paid top dollar but it takes a lot out of you sometimes they wouldn't trade it for the world because if I have not moved here from Doncaster I would not have met you when I think I did the best thing I could in my life is now I have real friends when people I can count on for the first time in years

Harry well I think it's a good thing that you know have a bunch of friends and everything that you need that you don't need to be with people that's going to use you you need to be with people that is going to show you that they care for you cuz that's what everything is for you need want to get along and I'm glad that you came dropped into my life

Louis you keep talking that way and you're going to get a little bit of fun tonight because you know what I need like I said I am very glad that I met you too because if I didn't I still be pining after some jerks I did it back home but I know that they're not worth it that's what has to be moved here just to start a new and I'm glad that I did because now I have you

Harry you got me all right baby and I'm not going anywhere for some reason I get pulled you more more I gotta feeling that we're definitely going to work because you're not like the other relationships I had your actually someone I can respect someone who can actually show me what true love is back because I believe that you understand me more than the others I did it you get me to love

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