we've got a hole lot of History chapter38

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Louis pov

I woke up in a cold because I couldn't shake that then my ex was back in town looking for me when he is supposed to be in jail this is not good at all I got up went to the bathroom and splash cold water on my face just when I thought I was getting ready to have a free ride without having to worry about my Ex I have left Doncaster to start over because I needed my mother and my family under stood after everything that I was through and they were glad they left to have a fresh start but now he's come here to find me is not good at all I just can't shake the feeling that he actually got in this house and left a note what is really going on Anthony's mind

Harry wakes up and looks Louis you OK baby you seem a little out of it

Louis just woke up from a bad dream baby because it scares the whole s*** out of me know and then my ex around here because the thing is he was one of the reasons I left Doncaster actually he was the main reason I left there cuz after our relationship I just wanted to move the head I would like 3 years ago when all this went down before the last three years has been getting me everywhere I went I have them reminded of them so this year when I have the new job offered I left start new and then I meet you I told how I had I had bad luck in relationships and everything before I met you and I'm telling you my luck was bad because it seemed like every guy I tracked back home has a secret to keep for me but Anthony's was the worst I did not know that he was a drug dealer scratch that drug lord which is worse means he runs the whole fucken operation when I found everything else I broke it off with him and then I went to the police and everything that you turns out they were after him for years its not that I didn't love them which I did but I couldn't stand and watch him hurt other people with drugs and stuff like that I have my priorities sometimes you have to do what's right and that's what I did but it still haunts me everything that he used to do

Harry I can understand you feeling that way I mean you thought that I was someone else when you first met him he told you different story from the way your talking that I can tell that you really love him but it turned out a lot that he told you was ever a lie and I correct

Louis ya everything he told me was a lie and you are correct you know what he had told me his job was he told me his job was that he was a lawyer and that's how you kept getting all the good money and everything was able to spoil me give me the one of the top out there yeah he was working on the other side the law instead though

Harry I guess you came along way then I mean from dating a criminal - meaning of hot sexy history professor which I think you before am I correct now while I run you a hot that I for something and get you to take your mind off of everything with that ass hole and put you through and I love you for you and you know that right and I don't care about anything that happened with you and your ex's as far as I'm concerned and you're just an innocent person put through crock of lies by assholes wooden deserve your love

Louis this is why I fall in love with you more and more each day I finally got the right guy in my life and that one of my ex's that to try and ruin it I just wanna make sure nothing happens to be back in trying room and things for me I swear to God he leaves one hand you and hurt you I will kill the f*** myself like I said I love to start a new not to be harassed by him or anything again so I really wish he would leave me alone I was told by the police back in Doncaster that if he ever followed me to give him a call and tell them everything and then with the plane everything to the police and the new place that I'm living in I just really want everything to go good you know I left there to start and you and forget about everything that a man has put me through but now he had to just follow me I'm trying to make my life a living hell again why do things like this always happen to me I know I have fast and everything on that night handle myself that way but one of the always coming into a relationship so I was never really quite good at them until I met you because he has some always good person in them yes I'm great with the morning with its just writing the right person you know what I mean but I could tell by looking at you that me and you are soulmates just the way we talk to each other it's just I'm so tired of everything that I've been through before I met you and I'm sorry if I'm babbling on about this is just the fact that I know that he's here in town is scaring me s*** less

Harry that would scare your shirtless after all he's alone to f****** criminal then you just want to get away from and then I correct you just want to start a new and live your life on your own you just don't want that the deal with him no more and that's not too much for you to want all day cuz he fell in love with you and now he will not let you be he want you back so much and all you want to do is move on he has to learn to respect that if you do love you but I think you for loving the fact that he loves you I think that he wants a little bit of revenge cuz she turned on

Louis that could be too just really want everything to be alright I'm so tired of all the drama I don't need the drama I mean you're not supposed to have any damage dress after all I am caring quadruplets and now this s*** comes back into my god damn life I just want the f*** out of here has enough to piss me off and pull of f****** Lorena Bobbitt

Harry that would be a sight to see you cutting off his dick is a dick head come on you know I'm going to keep you safe and I'm not going to live near you like I say in the morning we're going to call the place and explain everything to them about what happened about the sicko leaving you that note I find it for sure if it really is the first of all because the rumors that he did xscape jail you just want to make sure you have all your facts first but I know for a fact that he did by the way I found that note and everything and using those that wasn't right its just you got to make it look good for everybody to know that he actually did you know I need the proof and if he comes one near you I'm going to kick the s*** out of him I may not look like much but no boxing Taekwondo I also know karate and mixed martial arts hey I can handle myself I may be a history professor sometimes you got to learn how to take care of yourself

Louis wow how hot my man know s martial art and stuff maybe we can work some magic later in the bed the right now I gotta get back to sleep if I can its just everything that Anthony did to me is haunting me in my dreams

Harry listen to me I will never let those sick f*** within 10 feet of you ever again okay

With that we went back to sleep I'm just praying that I don't have to deal with Anthony anytime soon

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