we've got a hole lot of history chaper28

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Harry pov

When we got to work I took my baby's hand and we walked hand and hand till we got to the office once we got there I kissed his cheek and told him to be careful for the day because I didn't want him over doing it because he carrying quadruplets I don't any to him or them because of anything happen to them I will know what I do you need me after I kiss them told me to take it easy I had too many classes to teach I just hope everything goes well today for my baby don't overdo it well that me and him had a very good weekend because he needed to relax when he needed to be take it easy so I pray and hope he don't do anything that's going to make him hurt or anything so is that like I said I went to class let's just hope the day goes easy

Louis Pov

After here you left to go to class I started to do my work I got a feeling that's going to be a very busy day I just pray and hope that the quadruplets don't go hard on my stomach that feels so I'm really bad morning sickness. I started to make sure I had everything I needed to start my day in the office as usual checked everything that the Dean was going to leave the morning announcements if you need something that's not there yet so I had to wait till they can so I can fix that up and I started to make photocopies of stuff from that the teachers are going to need for the day cuz it was going to be a long day here in Oxford Monday is always one of the most busiest days of the week. As I was doing all this Vivian into the office to start her shift as well

Vivian morning Louis how was your weekend

Louis my weekend was great I stay at Harry House and he took good care of me and stuff we decided that after the babies are born because I found out that having more than one and having quadruplets that I will move in with Harry because I mean we will be together almost a year then and it's a good time to go because of the babies are going to need both of their fathers and that way we're under the same roof and they'll have not as much as they need us besides me do love each other so how are things going with you and Professor ed Sheeran

Vivian well it's good to know that you found out that your having quadruplets and I'm not going to let you lift anything heavy as your friend and your assistant in here in this office because that is not good for you or the quadruplets in is a good thing that you and Harry you're both going to be there for them and things are going geart between me and Ed he the one for me I mean we both been there now I'm not going to let him down and he not me

Louis good to see that your both doing good together and stuff because you both need to be happy because you both told me and the guys how you been burned so many times before and you don't need that thing to you guys again cuz you're both great people it's just there's people out there who don't know what they're doing they like to take advantage of people and try to ruin their lives but the best thing we can do is live our lives our way cuz they're only trying to do it to ruin your life but doesn't make their life perfect I'm but that's no way to the phone don't do that because no matter how much you try to put people down you never going to feel good about yourself it's just something you gotta learn I had a friend who learned that the hard way back home in Doncaster but he never ever did that to anybody again because he learned the right way but it took him awhile to understand what he did first. He almost tried to be hurt me and everything that as a friend but he was going through some stuff wasn't thinking straight and then when he figured it all out when he apologize so we almost lost each other as friends I'm glad he straightened himself out though

Vivian well that's a lot of stuff I'm glad to you same stuff like that you always look good things right from wrong don't you see any me let's get to work for we have the boss man on our backs

Louis that's a very good idea excuse me for a minute I think I have to go and puke my guts up please quadruplets are not taking it easy on my stomach this morning the right back you're going at the part of me cuz the morning sickness for a moment

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