we've got a lot of History chapter 36

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Louis pov

I woke up and ran into the bathroom it was a good thing that we have the next few days off because I'm feeling like shit right now and don't like feeling this way I know it just the morning sickness but still killing me so damn much I brush my teeth after throwing up because I had to get the taste out of my mouth is so hard sometimes like I always now have respect for women when they are pregnant next two strong arms wrapped around me

Harry had a really bad morning sickness again baby you need anything right now you know what's on the early in the morning when did you come back to bed you still could use you sleep I don't want you getting so stressed out you need to rest baby

Louis I will be fine don't worry it's just the morning sickness and I had to brush my teeth because I can't get the vital taste out of my mouth and really and well that you got me everything I was craving last night but still Shin of these all at once you should I just took my time I feel like a beluga whale

Harry baby you're not a beluga whale you're absolutely beautiful come on let's just get some rest I know you're craving a lot last night that's why you need it all at once you need it and so did the baby you are after all carrying quadruplets

Louis you always know what to make me feel better thank you and you always know what to say to you're right let's go back to sleep so good thing we have those days off too cuz I'm gonna need the rest sometimes and stressful and you're pregnant and you're like you said the doctor said I'm not allowed to have any stress

Harry yeah the doctor said he's tried to get to stress that he might have to put you on bedrest can swear for a meal to be pregnant and he wants to make sure everything goes ok according to the way it's supposed to be doesn't want to see if you happen to the quadruplets are you

Louis I'm quite aware of us anyway let's go back to sleep before I end up throwing up everywhere again I just want the morning sickness to die down I know I think appointing about that a lot lately a lot of things just seems like the farther along I get the worse it gets I know I'm almost 6 weeks and more now I can't remember exactly how far along I am because this morning sickness is just freaking the hell outta me

Harry going to the doctor baby you're about 10 weeks along you want me to rub your back or anything I know you're the one with massage course but I think I can work with magic hands if you need me to

Louis maybe you're no need to have a massage course to work with your magic hands cuz you work wonders with that specially when you use them both of yours on my big cock don't mind me I'm feeling a little sexual frustrated as well

Harry well if you want I can help with that take the edge off if you know what I mean you know give you a b****** your hand job of you want Yes to make sure everything goes okay you know what I mean because I want to do whatever you get him back to sleep you know does because of you and I now and always baby not even the gods above separate the two of us

Louis you do know baby that you can be so cheesy sometimes with your one liners that's going to be one the cutest things and everything that I love about you Mr history professor that I find quite very sexy at the moment

Harry you just find a sexy at this moment or do you find me sexy. Cuz you do know one thing you may be cute and adorable but I also find you quite sexy and I know that you are a very very telling it what that mouth of yours and stuff when it comes to being on the bed just like on my mind so if you're having some sexual frustration right now come on let me briefly before you and then let's get some rest cause you're gonna need it doctors orders baby

Harry something here I love too overprotective of me but I understand that where you're coming from and I do love you for it okay I want my mother might be coming to visit me a couple days she knows that will bring anything and everything like I said you and I talk to her about that and she really wants to come to make sure I'm doing okay like I said the only good thing back home and Doncaster is my family I had nothing but rod and relationships and being bullied and stuff for me then cuz I was openly gay you know how that is very irritating when stuff like that happens

Harry that is I mean I got irritated and that and picked out of it and that grown up because of my sexuality is well but sometimes you just gotta let it go and not let it bother you honey I may be bisexual but I'm not going to get me down and the big thing is I've got you don't know so why should I lie and keep me down anyway when your mother gets here where she supposed to be staying

Louis not quite sure where because you know how to go back and forth between your house and Liam's

Harry I do have to it's guestrooms are you know and if there not enough room over at Liam of your staying there at the time she's more than welcome to stay here because I after all I am your boyfriend and I'm willing to do anything to make her smile is it comfortable besides I don't want her staying at crappy cheeky hotel

Louis thank you very much baby and you're right she should not to be staying in places like that like I said he'll do anything for me I won't you

Harry personality thats what true love is and I just that we are expecting a child together so of course and when I want my my children's grandmother to be very comfortable here after all we are having quadruplets and she have the right to be around for when you do have them

Louis you know how to make me feel better each time you know just what to say okay come on you're right let's get rid of some of this sexual frustration on a day and then I need some sleep and is just killing me on this morning sickness is irritating me where would I be sometimes if I didn't have you

Louis no baby for one you're not going to have to deal with not having me around you're always going at me I'm too let's go take care of that morning sickness in this dress of yours because you needed to come on chop chop back to bed that I won't my baby feeling down or sick or anything like that he's going to get the love and attention he needs right now so come on and maybe my little friend and get a little attention if you know what I mean was little I Harry down there is getting a little stiff

Louis oh trust me I love Harry is going to get all the tension and eats right now as well I love you

Harry good that's good I to bed going to bed so I can take care of you baby you need

Louis you decide is right back to bed I have this weird feeling because if something goes wrong with the pregnancy I don't know what to do but I also got this feeling like I'm being followed I don't know why all the sudden and it made my babies and went back to bed I'm going to be on my guard. Cuz I have a feeling that something from my past is that around here but why that I left that all black and. I thought I left all that back in Doncaster I just hope there's no problems when the time arises live that I went back to bed with my baby like I said I need my rest and needs what his little harry needs

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