We've got hole lot of History chapter 23

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Harry pov
Me Louis and Liam and zayn left for the hospital because  we need to fine out if Louis is peg  so now where walking  in  where we are going to meet  Liam mother and sister  because they are going to help us fine out if he is peg for sure

Liam mum ok come on with me this way so we can find out if Louis is m peg  for sure

Louis okay

We walked in to the room and Louis sat on a bed why I stay in with him and Liam and Zayn wait outside why i Louis is getting check by the doctor to find out if he is peg

Dr well from what I see here I can tell from these test you are m peg Louis and it not going to be easy

Louis wow so how am I pregnant

Dr where you also a twin

Louis yes I was

Dr was your twin a girl

Louis yes

Dr well it because of this you can have kids some of her DNA when inside of you so ya your pregnant but I think you are a week always most two I can tell how many just yet because it only been a couple of weeks

Louis wow thanks Dr but this is a lot to deal with

Harry well you know I'm going to stay with you know matter how much this is on you I'm going to help you through the hold process baby it me and you thought this I'm the one who got M peg

Louis thank baby what would I do with out bady

Harry well you are never going to have to deal with that because I'm not going anywhere baby it you and me

Louis I love you so much I would like to know how where going tell are parents about this I know my family know I'm Bisexual's but do your know you are

Harry yes baby my parents know and they support me and they all know about you and they love you  so my mum will be on top of the world

Louis thank baby that  I need to here that

We went out and told the other that Louis is pregnant and we don't know how many he is having yet

Zayn wow I call godfather

Harry ya you would call it

Liam ya he had to beat me too it

Harry ya well if it twins you both get one  as godfather

Liam that far I gust 

Louis yes it is good thing  that way I need to know I can count on all of you guys went I have the baby because it going to be hard 

Harry and your going to have all of us baby and think that went the baby is born you should move in with me then because it will be alot easy on you then

Louis that will be a good thing to baby I mean we have been dating down almost 6 months I can't believe I been in town that long now

Harry well you have baby and where going to make it work baby for us and are baby 

Louis thank baby

Liam yes that would be good for you to live together when the baby comes because the baby going need both

Harry your right about that anyway let's get back to work and fish  the day because we don't need people coving for us all day long

With that we went back to work when we got there we  walked in to the office and when we got in there  the dean was waiting to fine out if Louis is pregnant or not

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