we've got a hole lot of histy chapter 29

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Harry pov

After I got my last class it was now getting ready to go for lunch so that's the classroom door to the office when I got there I noticed that my baby was was hard at work he was getting ready to bend over and pick up a box that but I noticed the Vivian stopped in and took it which was a good thing if I don't want to over doing it

Harry hay baby you guys ready to me up with the others for lunch at the Cafe we always meet up at

Louis yeah just let me get my coat then we can all go I bet you when we get there then I Niall is going tell us a bunch of story about how everything is going on in his cab company because he been getting more and more people want to ride in his cabs

Harry well it's a good thing because he is doing more better but this company and is proud of what he's doing I'm just nice to see I mean everybody has to have something going on with any of the love life going good now so I mean more to me all one anyway let's get going we don't want to waste an hour or so let me come to be with having a lunch and having a good time before we have to face the next bunch of riff Raff's lol

Louis when your class is giving you a bit of a hard time this morning baby you sound kind of beat

Harry I'll be just fine don't worry so much anyway I'm more worried about you because you were the one that is carrying the call from the quintuplets so I don't want you over doing anything and it's a good thing if I didn't take that big box away from you because I don't want you over doing anything let's go before it's too late okay

Louis you're right let's go because it is our lunch hour I'm just going to let the Dean know they're all gone to lunch when we get back will get right back to work

Louis Simon where all gone to lunch we will see you soon as we get back and all those important files that you need it done ur done anything else you need before we head to lunch so just to be on the safe side

Dean Simon no I got everything that needs to be done for now I know you guys will enjoy your lunch and because it's going to be a long afternoon when you get back cuz there's more important papers that needs to be done because everything you'd be put to the so the university can get the pharmacy needs for certain programs

Louis I'll take care of all that stuff you need to know when I get back see you after lunch

Harry you ready now that you told the Dean

Louis yes come on let's just get out of here cuz I really need to eat I have a craving some that the big double bacon cheeseburger man what is these kids always want crazy stuff anyway let's just go hope it'll start craving things like pickles on my cell now because sometimes I think that could be inevitable I know one thing I have a big appetite for a craving junk food and craving take out the little monsters and are hungry one trade having the four of them and see me for the world okay let's go

Harry if you're pregnant all right because every time I see you you just start to glow

Louis hahaha very funny, I just wanted to go eat and then after we finish work today I just wanted to be able to relax because it's going to have been a very long day seems like a extra work to do because of certain things that needs to be done for the school again programs funded and stuff you know what I mean

Harry yeah I know I mean just certain things we cut back on and that if you don't let's go and the school is never had any cut bags because we've always date on top of things which is good that's why I Oxford University is one of the top of the round

Louis I know that why you think I love working here anyway it was good going

Harry yeah you're right about things like that so come

Louis pov

We love to go to lunch then when we got to the cafe we also to eating and we are right and Niall happy as s*** cuz you kept going on and on about the new things that he learned about his cab stand and everything and all the new customers and everything it seems to me is bringing in more money than ever which is good a lot of the other cab companies are those who does this to happen because they are not hurting their customers right it seems that Niall really does take pride in their ride

Liam really good to see the mean everything is booming for you and then when it comes to your business now

Niall don't mean that everything is is booming for us because considering that you are my partner is it wasn't for you I don't think I would have the land and be able to be doing this mate

Liam what are friends for I don't mind being your partner you taxi stand because you need someone to back you up

Niall that true so what new with all of you

Louis well there's a lot of issues going on for starters I'm having quadruplets and this damn morning sickness will not sold in whatsoever I do and I gotta say every time I look I'm craving more and more I just had that big double cheeseburger to me only one wants a piece of chocolate cake yep these kids will make me you under the Niall

Niall yep you definitely got me craving and stuff if you think that's going to happen anyway looks like our lunch break is almost over I got people to drive around people to pay you know that taxi company tonight going around self

Harry yeah you're right and I don't think my history classes are going to teach them selves either so I guess we all better hurry up and paying it back to work before a run we're all in s***

Liam really good idea cause I got guest speakers coming for an English lecture and everything this afternoon sometimes being a college professor is not easy well least we know what we're doing anyway we're well educated lol

Ed you guys they were all well educated I mean I have to teach 3 music classes this afternoon it's a good thing I have musical guests coming in cuz its going to be crazy one of my classes make flip because of got Adele coming in this afternoon

Harry I'm not sure if your classes are going to flip that all that's enough to make me flip her music is awesome anyway we all better get going cuz I gotta feeling its going to be a long day just like I thought the weekend was because last week was a really long week but least we had a nice relaxing weekend before me started up again today

Louis is it was a really good weekend anyway let's go back to work

And with that we head back to work and with that we left the morning was still a b****

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