we've got a hole lot of history chapter 35

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Harry pov

We got back to my place and I could tell that Louis was very hungry so I got the KFC Wendys McDonalds out for him because he was craving all of it for the quadruplets and I knew he needed to eat it. I can also tell that he was very tired so after he was done eating I told him to lay down because he going to need it for the babies

Harry baby why don't you take a nap you look like you need

Louis okay baby I'm beat from work so your right nap just what I need right now because this pregnancy is taking a lot out of me was that she was really good and I'm going to take my vitamins now and take that nap like you want me to when you get a chance come and lay down with me will you

Harry okay I'm going to come lay down with you in a bit for right now I need to finish grading these papers and stuff I know we have 4 days off but we got a lot to catch up on and some of the classes I'm teaching I'm just going to create all these papers tonight so I could spend the rest of the time you have off with you and focusing on you okay right now get your nap baby baby you need it

Louis okay soon as you're done grading papers and everything I'll be waiting for you in the room I love you

Harry I love you too now go get your nap before you get a little too tired don't want you over stressing or anything the doctor said no stress remember and if you need me for anything I'm just out here grading papers

Louis okay I'm just going to try and get my beauty sleep like I'm gonna need it anyway if these kids would let me cuz sometimes it's hard to sleep when I have really bad morning sickness let's hope it don't kick him because it really drives me up the wall when I can trust and it really irritating but least I know in the long run it's going to be worth that we have the babies

Harry of course it's going to be worth it when you have the babies baby now why don't you look at their naps because the more you keep stalling the longest going to take it to having nap

Louis you're right I should just go and take my nap cuz that's something I need just don't work too hard was doing your papers and stuff the way you stressing out over your job either

Harry baby I'll be fine I'll be with you in a bit love you now get to be before I have to tickle you

Louis alright I'm going

With that Louis went to take is nap why I was there was a knock on the door and went to see who it was I open up the door and there was Niall you look kind of down don't know why but I told him to come on anyway

Harry are you okay you seem a little down

Niall well I just found out that my girlfriends ex is back in town and won't leave her alone and is really irritating her and me seems like every time with the bed to go somewhere he's following us just don't know what to do about it and that's what's really freaking me out somewhere you going to do something to her he was an ass from what she told me

Harry you're going to have to be careful cuz you don't want to be stupid enough to come after you guys make sure you're with her a lot more because it sounds like a obsessed with there by the look for things

Niall yeah I don't know what to do about it I love her so much and she loves me we're great together I mean I know I've only been dating a few months or so what is the best relationship I've been in I've got a great job as a well-established taxi driver and business owner of my taxi stands I just wish that I can do my best with her and not have to worry about everything that her ex is trying to put her through anyway thanks for listening I need a ear because I'm so scared that her Ex will hurt her

Harry ya you got a I feel like that because you know one nothing to happen to her I would feel the same way if anything what happened to Louis so if I were you I'd make sure you to check in with her a couple times tonight just to make sure she's OK because she is the best thing that ever happened to you well since u matter we can tell that you're happier and stuff just you don't want nothing to happen here now that our ex's back in the play better make sure he's OK backs off and stuff

Niall oh trust me I plan to anyway how are things with you and Luis going

Harry good with everything is going good with the quadruplets and stuff
He's sleeping right now though because he had a hard day at work in this the he can use the doctor said he's not allowed to have any kind of stress so I'm doing what I can to make it less stressful for him I'm just grading some papers and stuff right now he's asleep we got the next few days off because of repairs being done or at the university so everything should go smoothly anyway if I can give you any more advice let me know because right now what you got to do is keep her safe and if anyone get it what you can

Niall everything is going okay for you and Luis with quadruplets and everything it's just you're right about one thing I do have to make sure my girlfriend say you make sure nobody tries to hurt her it's hard not knowing the I think I'm going to start staying at her house more if she could stay at mine really don't trust her ex and she don't trust him either

Harry interesting from what she told us I mean you don't want her to end up with a jerk again you're doing the best you can to keep her safe but he just won't back off and let her be if that's one of the she's moved on been there done that wear the t-shirt

Niall saying that I haven't heard in awhile anyway I'm going to head on home to my girlfriend because I told her to spend the night at my house because she's freaked out about her ex I just thought you can give me some advice on what to do if things got out of hand good idea but everything you told me about I'll talk to you later you have some problem with some but not too much fun lol

Harry OK see later. Let me know what I can do to help you out mate

And with that Niall left and I grade the papers and stuff and then I went to lie down with Louis because I could tell that he was going to need asleep and I can tell that you wasn't having trouble getting comfortable I wrap my arms around him and see when he put his head on my chest and got more comfortable

Harry how you feeling now Because you seem like you want but it comfortable earlier did you get any sleep at all

Louis what is the quadruplets one let me I kept rolling around in there and I gotta feeling that I'm not going to be able to keep this food too much longer does the morning sickness is getting to me again hey who was here earlier I heard you talking to someone

Harry just Niall you wanted me to give him some advice it seems his girlfriends ex won't back off he seems to be stalking them sometimes and he's worried for her I just pray and hope it all works out for them

Louis yeah that's not a good thing at all anyway maybe we should get some sleep right now cuz this is really taking a lot out of me and it's getting late night baby i love you

Harry good night baby I love you too

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