weve got a lot of history chapter 41

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Louis pov

I am so glad that I have friends now that I can count on and I'm glad that we're all safe and side right now and Niall's place because if we tried to go out anywhere right now I don't know where Anthony will pop up we're just waiting for the cops to show because this needs to put a stop to

Harry you OK there. Baby because the cops are on the way here and we will see that nothing will happen to you and are babies because of those sick people who are after you baby

Louis thank baby

Just then the cops show up and we told them the hold stroy and stuff because .I don't want to have to deal with the crazy guy who is after me that why I moved here to start new that why i took the job at Oxford University in the beginning and everything is going great because of it I met the man of my dreams and everything but now the sample from my past wants to try and f***** it up why can't I catch a break

Harry okay now that you just told the cops everything will go and look for Anthony and his friends now that we have this all calm down enough two cups is going to help us get back to our house good tomorrow me go to work there and have a cop car from the University in the same to her house for a while and there going to be putting cop car in front of are friends place as well

Louis good the first time in over 2 week's I walk out of house and I find my ex coming to town to kill me

Niall that it something for you to deal with mates

Harry you think mate

Zayn well it good think that you where staying at Harry last couple of weeks because I heard that they almost found out where Liam lives not good so it best you stay with Harry

Liam that good idea I mean you where planing on moving in with Harry when the babies come or you get closer to having them and Harry place as a better security system and stuff so I'm going to stay at my girlfriends place till this all blows over to cuz I don't want them creeping by my place you got to do with going to keep everyone safe right now

Harry just a very good idea anyway let's think we all should get going if we have a long day of work tomorrow hope things work out for you and your girlfriend there Niall about sorry we couldn't stay

Niall guys I think your lives are more important than my girl troubles you guys better get going before anything happens I can always talk to you that my girl problems on the phone when I meet up for lunch with you guys tomorrow I have to work just got home safely for something happens to you and if I ever see that ass over your ex Anthony myself Luis I will beat the s*** out of him for what he did to my cousin or you don't want to see my Irish temper lol

Louis I had to laugh at that Niall being is beautiful lovable self as always we then left to go home safe and sound so as of now I moved in with Harry because like Liam said if my ex knows where he lives that's not good

When me and Harry got home he could tell that I was still sacred about what had happened because. I was going to beark down

Harry Hey Baby there's no way he's going to get near you here okay and moreover going to go back to work we're going to live her life and do what we have to do the cops are going to be protecting us and I'm gonna tell nobody comes near you in those babies your caring for me that's my vow to you right now Louis William Tomlinson

Louis where would I be without you right now I love you to death thank you for everything you're doing for me and thank you for coming into my life something told me to move here from Doncaster and I'm glad I did I just wish that my past was not following me still I want to work things going to like when I get back to work tomorrow considering they had two weeks of making repairs to the building least they make sure nothing happens there at Oxford the at all and track

Harry well it was one of the most potential schools here in England when the best want you to be going to and I wouldn't trade for the world teach you there I love teaching history quite rewarding you know what I mean and you are a great secretary reminds me tomorrow if you ever need me for anything and you feel like you have to have a little bit of a you know moment because sometimes when you're pregnant your hormones go all crazy just find me know I'll take you someplace where we won't be found and I'll give you what you need lol

Louis I'm sure you will baby sure you will anyway I'm craving I will send again he have anything to make fettucini cuz that's what I'm crazy plus I'm craving grapefruit with cheese with some peanut butter that's been so disgusting I know but I don't know why I wanted I just think I'm going to have to do something to get rid of it and why do people always have to have weird cravings I don't know how women go through this

Harry grapefruit with cheese whiz and peanut butter really baby yeah that is a weird combination anything else you craving the side button in the house alright good

Louis no everything is fine what I'm craving is just I'm going nuts because of have to be stuck in the house and not being it was a working anywhere last 2 weeks baby's getting back to work will take my mind off the fact that I got a psycho ex after me sorry about that is just crazy how this is all happening and I know I shouldn't be ranting on and on and on over and over about this is just getting to the point that I can't handle it known as a good thing my mother and family are here to help us out because I'm going to need them now just like we got your family is well and I am happy to be coming by that by the way

Harry well that's a really good saying and I can't wait for everything to go to way its supposed to anyway come on let's get you said and you have those cravings and then off to do but you you need it after the day you had I'm pretty shaken up myself because of it

With that we I ate my food and Harry took me back to bed tomorrow's going to be a long day at work let's hope I can get through it without having to look over my shoulder every minute of the day

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