we've got a hole lot of History chapter 34

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Harry POV

We walked in to the Dr office with him and he told Louis to lay down on the bed I hope it all goes well because Louis is my everything and I'm nervous for his health and the babies I pray and hope that everything goes okay

Dr okay Luis I need you to lie down and let's see what I can do that now for you this gel is going to be kind of cold on everything when I put it on you

Louis all right DR I will lie down and do what you told me to do let's just hope is not too cold when you put it on me

Dr laughs lets hope it not to cold as you said

Louis ya

The doctor put the gel and everything on Louis next thing I know he got the ultrasound machine out . I watched as he put the gel on Louis and I say Louis laugh for how cold it .was the Dr then took the stick that was attached to the ultrasound machine and started to rub it all around Louis's stomach you look very closely at everything and seeing that everything was going okay so far to the doctor had a big smile on his face

Dr want it seems everything is going good so far all of the quadruplets look very healthy I don't see any problems so how bad is your morning sickness do you get stressed out a lot

Louis sometimes the morning sickness is not too bad other times its killing me like crazy today was the worst day I've had in a long time sometimes I don't know what to do with it

Dr yes well when you're carrying multiples sometimes you will have more days that are crazier than others with your morning sickness it can be very hard on your stomach on those days when I really want you to be taking this medication that I gave you and I want you to start taking vitamins as well I need to start to make any more milk because your small frame because the babies are going to need it and your any more bonus when the time comes for you to have the babies were your man and I know how hard it is. On a man where are you going to push it out so what I'm going to do is give you a c-section which is really going to help you when the time comes because that way I can actually take the babies out of you without you having to feel overwhelmed but there's nothing wrong with the babies like another totally healthy but I just really need you to take it easy it started drink warm milk and keep eating whatever it is that you're craving because that will really help the babies as well even if it is take out or whatever you're craving just trust me is not good for the baby so I'll have it. You're not that far along so still safe for you to have sex but when the time comes a certain point you're going to have to stop but you can't go all out go rough or anything you have to take it easy the trust me sexual activity is actually good for the babies and you have to know that you will not hurt the baby that is what I'm saying to you there Harry because sometimes the one that's not peg it feels like they're going to hurt the baby when they're having sex with their other half. But me reach around six months and when you should stop all sexual activity the right now you're only like 6 or 7 weeks so you're still fine

Louis okay well that makes sense so it's good to know that the baby is there a fine at what point on there their gender

Dr you should probably find out about their gender around the 5th month of your pregnancy could be the 3rd or the 4th because of multiples because someone with multiple Israel to tell her earlier but normally is around the 5th month with any pregnancy so we will check it third and fourth month we will deathly find out by the 5th month around that was months are you the times you find out no I don't need you to do is really take it easy don't over stress yourself at work or anything at home because you have to make sure you don't have a lot of stress because of the babies

Louis trust me I won't have too much stress because they won't allow me to do anything the overwhelming at work I got people helping me left and right and at home Harry does everything for me when I stayed at his house and when I'm at home at my place with my roommate Liam and he won't let me do anything but went the babies get here I'll be moving in with Harry then because right now we want to get everything ready for the babies first .

Dr good make sure you don't worry you will it be said but other than that everything is OK I'm going to go get you some pictures of your ultrasounds and then want to give you a shot to keep thing was download that better for you since you said you're having so much trouble eating so this should help and it should also help with the morning at the bit better but good morning pills I gave you also still help you for your morning sickness that is so I should be back in about a couple of minutes but like I said everything looks fine not one problem with the babies yet if you end up having a lot of stress on you and weak or anything are you have any questions you can always come back and see me about those concerns and stuff now would like to see you in another month they really want to be able to take good care of what's going on with you because you are a man thats pregnant and male pregnancies can be a little bit more difficult means you don't want me to come back every 3 months but for a man to try to get them to come back every month just to make sure

Louis alright doctor

Dr good and Harry I really need to make sure they do you know to make sure he doesn't most anything heavy for sure and then sure he's not stressing that's the most important thing because men can be stubborn when they are pregnant more than women it's really rare when you do it get male is pregnant but we need to keep them from stressing out just be aware that sometimes his mood swings will be worse than for a woman because he doesn't have all the parts that woman has and you know how the hormones are

Harry of course ill make. Sure doesn't stress and everything and I will definitely be aware that the mood swings because he really does have them are already might try my best to help them out with them when you get sad i do what I can for him when he gets mad at me I just let him have his thing and when he is done he comes and talks to me I understand his mood swings

Louis which is a good thing cuz I don't like taking the emotions out on you I just sometimes got to get used to want to know when I'm with this pregnancy I hate being moody

Dr well that comes along with being pregnant but things will work out for you don't worry about that anyway here your ultrasound pictures and stuff that I told you I was going to get you and now you can go and do whatever you need to do but once you get out of here make sure you do relax because you are not to have any stress until after this pregnancy is over and if there's any complications to start like bleeding or anything like that you let me know anyway I will see you once again in a month the right now everything seems perfectly fine and make sure you make sure the vitamins and everything gets to those quadruplets cuz like I said you're having multiples and you really need to take care of your body when it comes to that and please make sure you're drinking more milk you drink should help your bone mass

Louis okay thank you

With that we left the doctors office

Harry well it good to know that everything is okay and there going to give you a c-section everything when the time comes because I'll be a lot more easier on you baby now as I remember you were craving Wendys McDonalds and KFC let's go get all three of that for you then pick up some milk for you and then we'll head on home after I fill out your prescription for you as well at the drugstore does what the doctor says you need you're going to have and when we get home we're going to cuddle and watch a Netflix how about that since you're spending the night with me again

Louis that sounds wonderful baby cuz I really think I can used cuddles and everything that the doctor said I need and I love the fact that you're being so attentive to me and doing everything for me just makes me love you more MORE I gotta say you're nothing like any of my ex boyfriends you're the sweetest person I've ever met and I'm so grateful that I found you

Harry same baby and I promise I'm never going to let anything happen to you ever and you're not going to let anything happen to me I can tell the book that she deals on her past relationships and stuff but I know right now what we got is the best thing we can have each other now, so I can get my baby what he needs and then I can get my cuddles and maybe if you want we can have a little fun so the doctor said safe sex is OK print it out until he told us what we have to stop because of a certain month you said like anything it's good for the babies

Louis we'll see if you're good for you might just get some and come on let's go baby I love you

Harry I love you too

With that we went to get what my baby needs and head home for the night it's good we have the next few days off because my baby needs his rest

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