It All Changed-Chapter 6

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Chapter 6-

The bed was empty, minus the one person who occupied it, and was only warm on one side. Knowing that he wouldn't be able to sleep in as long as he wanted, the boy with the messy brown fringe sat up, minding his belly. It was a cool, early September morning. Rubbing his eyes, Louis remembered that today was a very important occasion. His wedding day. 

A smile grew on his lips when he remembered. He had stayed in a suite in London with his mother the night before, Luca in the room just next door. He got up and headed into the shower, watching the mirror fog up with steam. 

He shaved, getting every last bit of stubble off of his face and chin. Satisfied with his shaving job, he hopped into the shower, making sure to wash what seemed like five times over. He wanted to look as great as he possibly could today. Especially for Harry. 

He ran his hands over his wet belly, rubbing soap across it. 

"If only you could actually shrink a little for today," he said to it.

A stir.

"No?" He sighed.

Truth was, he really did love his pregnant belly, though not as much as Harry probably did. He loved the feeling-and thought-of having two hearts beating within him. He was harvesting a life, letting it grow, and mature within him. He was the life source for the growing child. And thinking of it that way, this was a beautiful time for him. 

Of course, the insecurities that came along with it absolutely sucked, but he would deal with it if it meant that he'd have another baby. 

He stepped out of the shower and put on some comfortable clothing, knowing that he'd have to change into his suit later on. He found Jay in the small kitchen that was equipped.

"Good morning, Boo," Jay greeted happily.

She hugged her son tightly. 

"How are you feeling?"

"Nervous," he nodded. 

"And the baby?"

"Will not stop moving."

Jay smiled and rubbed Louis' stomach gently. "Well, you're gonna have to be dressed and ready to go by ten," she said. "We're heading to the church then."

"I'll wake Luca up. She needs her breakfast."

He turned on his heel and walked into Luca's room to find he asleep, her tiny bum up in the air as she lay on her stomach. Her eyes fluttered under closed lids; she was certainly dreaming. 

With a hand on his stomach, he sat down on the edge of the bed and let out a long breath as his sore back began to numb. He leaned down and kissed Luca's head. Brushing her hair away from her eyes, Louis shook her gently.

"Luca Lou...Sweetheart, you have to get up. You can sleep in the car, ok?"

She groaned and stirred. "Mhm..."

"Luca Anne Styles. You need to get up now, or no cake later."

She opened her eyes and huffed, turning to put her head on her father's lap. 

"I tired, Papa," she whined. 

"I know, but you have to take a bath, and Auntie Gem and Nana and Nanny are gonna make you look all pretty. Though, I don't think you need that; you're very pretty already."

She smiled and groggily sat up. "Why I up?"

"Because Daddy and I are getting married today."

Her eyes lit up and she pounced out of the room.

All As It Changes (Larry Stylinson {Mpreg}) *Sequel IncludedWhere stories live. Discover now