It All Changed-Chapter 11

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Chapter 11-

One month later...

The weeks that passed Christmas were a little unnerving. Louis felt a bit on edge due to the letters that Matty had sent to their home. That and with the birth quickly approaching, he was just terrified. He kept getting this nagging feeling-though he used his better judgement-that Matty was just going to pop up and try and take Harry away. Or some way, some how, try and ruin their marriage. Deep down, Louis knew that this wasn't the last they'd been hearing from him. Things like this didn't just get silenced with one blow. They never did.

As the weeks passed however, the day  when Louis would be heading back home with Harry and beginning his bed rest was fast approaching. The morning of, Louis sighed when he woke up. For about a month or so, he would not be home in London, but home where he grew up. He'd be staying with Jay, he would be on bed rest, and he would get annoyed within the first three days. That he knew for a fact. He looked over at Harry who was grabbing a few more things to put in his bag. He let out a throaty groan and sat upright as best he could.

"You're not gonna let me do anything at all, starting today huh?"

Harry turned around and smiled at him. "Well, good morning to you, too."

Louis huffed and sat up a little straighter, Harry planting a kiss on his head. 

"I hate you," Louis stated glumly.

"Why's that?"

"Because you're not gonna let me do anything."

"That's a lie," Harry retorted in protest. "I'm gonna let you relax."

Louis gave Harry a look as if to say "are you seriously that dumb?"

"We have a three-year-old daughter, Harry," Louis noted. "She's going to be pretty hyper, if you think about it."

Harry sighed and fell onto the bed next to Louis. "Well she'll be occupied by something."

"She'll want me to play with her and get all upset if I don't."

Harry shrugged. "Board games?"

"No. And they may as well be called bored games. B-O-R-E-D."

After a few moments of trying to get rid of his (over) stubbornness, Louis sighed and looked over at Harry. "I'm sorry..."

"What for?"

"Being all moody."

"That's not something you should be apologizing for," Harry stated. "Besides, I'm sure, along with a slight mix of nerves, you're on edge that you have to do nothing but sit in bed until you're admitted for the c-section."

"Even then I'll still have to stay in bed. Even for recovery."

"Well...maybe we can talk to Dr. Burton when we see her tomorrow," Harry stated. "See if a daily walk would be good as well."

Half-heartily, Louis nodded. "I don't want that to be the only other times besides showering and going to the bathroom that I'll be allowed to get up from the bed. Then again, I won't be surprised if she winds up making our appointments home visits."

Harry giggled. "Lets pray she doesn't. For your sake." 

Louis let out a little laugh before standing to get changed. He argued with Harry about it, but managed to carry a tired, cuddly Luca out to the car. She sighed and looked at Louis.

"Where we goin'?"

"We're gonna go stay with Nana for a few weeks," Louis stated, buckling her in.

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