Love Like a Father

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Stop reliving and sharing the past

as if it is some fond memory.

Can we please make new memories?

Can we make them pleasent?

Will there be smiles?

W-wait stop please!

I cannot stand this form of torchure.

As you tower over me speak of the night before.

And all the other nights

                         that easily slipped into morning.

I thought I loved you,

                     You can't love someone without pain and fear Darling.

My body shivers in fright the way you say Darling.

Your not so gentle hands grab for my hair

                                         that once shone with beautiful gold locks

but now was dulled from your dirty hands.

My throat tried to scream but nothing would sound.

Only the tears that seemed always be on my face.

                                               Your malicious punches pained my heart

more than my body.

your verbal insults made me double over wailing as the tears fell harder.

I was his.

         I was a burden.

                       I was lucky to be here.

                                             I was safer here than anywhere else.

Without him I was ugly, usless, horrid, better off dead.

Here I am stuck in this painful cycle that is in a loop.

He'll do it tomorrow.

He'll do it next week.

He'll do it next month.

He'll do it on my birthday.

He'll do it while we're young.

He'll do it when we are old.

But this is the only love I've known from my father, and I accept it with

my painful crooked smile.

So I was bored and LOOK something morbid came up TT.TT

Whatever, no one read it on dA so maybe you hungry readers will read it. WHO KNOW?! If ya like my random ass poems tell me your favorite veideo game xD

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