24| Water Tribe

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"I-I can explain," I sputtered, as Zuko stepped in front of me, one arm out and shielding me.

"You definitely can but that's not why I'm here," Hama laughed. "It's alright young man. I'm not a witch who'll turn your friend here into a frog," she joked with Zuko, who didn't return the smile. I pushed past his arm, clearly annoyed of his rude behavior.

"I'm really sorry—" I began but Hama cut me off.

"No need to apologize. In fact, I wanted you to see it, and now I guess my secret's out." She shook her head with a smile. "Mei, I'm from the Southern Water tribe."

"Really?" I stepped towards her. "You're a waterbender?"

"Yes, my dear. And I've been waiting for someone like you to come along for ages." she put an arm around my shoulders. "The last girl who appeared here was also a very sweet little girl. You remind me so much of her." Hama's eyes dulled with sadness.

"What happened?" I asked sympathetically, softening up.

"She was dragged into evil and she was one of the people who turned against me and kicked me out of my own home. I cared for her as my own but she was sucked into the rumors."

"What rumors?" I asked.

"That I was a witch." She laughed out loud. "Now let's go and eat, and I'll tell you more."



e sat at the table. It was only Hama and I; Zuko had decided to eat elsewhere alone.

"So, Mei dear, why are you here?" Hama asked as she set soup bowls in front of us. I saw fish floating in it and immediately lost my appetite. "It tastes delicious, don't you worry," Hama assured me.

"I'm just traveling," I said casually, playing with the soup.

"Maybe you could stay with me," Hama chuckled and I smiled.

"I wish," I snorted. "With that guy around I'll never be able to do anything."

"Ah yes. Of course." Hama sighed. "But before you leave, there are some old waterbending things I can teach you. It's important in life and I can promise you it'll come in handy some day."

"Uh, sure, of course!" I nodded earnestly. "When do we start?"

"Tomorrow morning." She smiled, sipping her soup.


As I lay in bed that night, I puffed little fire rings from my mouth. They circled in the air and then vanished. I toyed with the smoke hanging in the air and sighed. That whale tooth comb... I'd seen it before, but I just couldn't remember where. It seemed important.

Suddenly I heard a knock at the door. Groaning, I rolled over to my side facing the door and called out, "Come in."

The door clicked open and Zuko walked in. I groaned again. "What do you want?"

"I heard you're training with the old lady," Zuko said lowly.

"First of all, her name is Hama. Second of all, yes," I admitted, flipping onto my back again, my head propped up on my arms.

"Why? We have to leave."

"Not now. If you want to leave, go ahead."

"I can't just leave!" Zuko said angrily.


"Uncle won't let me come back. Probably."

"Go tell Uncle that I forced you."


"You're annoying," I mumbled, crossing my arms over my chest.

"The feeling is mutual."

There was a silence in the room and he shifted awkwardly. Then he sighed.

"Fine. Just remember not to tell—"

"Zuko," I interrupted him, laughing, "I swear, if you tell me not to tell her I'm a firebender I'll tell her, or blast you off your feet."

He didn't smile. He just turned around abruptly and walked out.



n the morning, I got ready and walked down the stairs when Hama saw me.

"I have a question," she said sincerely, "why are you in Fire Nation attire when you are a water bender and you are in Earth Kingdom territory?"

I noticed Zuko sitting at the table bending over a scroll, drinking a glass of water. As soon as she asked the question he jerked up abruptly and knocked over the glass, spilling water over the scroll. I blushed and said the first thing that came to my head.

"I was undercover at the Fire Nation. Zuko doesn't like me telling everyone that but I can trust you, can't I, Hama?" I smiled.

I thought I saw Zuko relax and touch his forehead in relief but the next thing I knew he was stiff again, trying to clean up the mess.

"It's alright, child," Hama walked over to Zuko, "I'll clean that." With a swipe in the air, all the water was pulled out of the parchment and the paper crackled dry, the table cleared of water. Hama put it back in the glass, picked it up and washed it.

Zuko's face was still emotionless, his scar more intimidating then ever. He got up and walked to me, sending a "be careful" look to which I scoffed at and he brushed shoulders, walking past and exiting the house.

"He was up early," Hama said not looking up from her cooking, "I gave him water and he seemed interested in the scrolls so I handed a few to him to read. He's not much of a talker," she chuckled.

"No, not really." I smiled, and then I realized something. Didn't she know he was the prince? How could she not realize it. "I know what you're thinking," She said, slowly.

I raised an eyebrow, my heart thudding faster.

"I saw that scar just now. He's been covering it for a long time."

I clutched my stomach. I don't know why I felt so frightened, but I just did. I hoped it wasn't too obvious that I was freaking out.

"What?" I said through clenched teeth.

"It's alright. I knew it from the beginning. But it's slightly confusing," Hama pursed her lips, "Why are you in Fire Nation attire, and traveling with the Fire Nation's banished prince?"

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