46| The Crystal Catacombs

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"What's taking so long?" Zuko said.

"Maybe the Earth King overslept."

Dai Li agents began to circle around them.

Azula appeared, walking past the Dai Li and standing in front of her brother outside the circle of Dai Li agents.

"It's tea time!" Azula chirped, a smirk plastered on her face.

Zuko quickly stood up, glaring. "Azula!"

"Have you met the Dai Li?" Azula sneered. "They're earthbenders, but they have a killer instinct that's so firebender. I just love it."

Iroh picked up his cup of tea. "Did I ever tell you how I got the nickname "the Dragon of the West"?"

"I'm not interested in a lengthy anecdote, Uncle." Azula rolled her eyes.

"It's more of a demonstration, really."

Iroh began drinking his tea. Zuko looked over to him with a smile before standing behind him. Iroh opened his mouth.

And breathed fire.

A fire blast made a hole in the wall, allowing Iroh and Zuko to escape. The Dai Li bgan shooting their rock gloves at them, but missed as Zuko and Iroh turn around the corner. Iroh generated lightning and destroyed the wall in front before jumping down into a bush below. Zuko stopped at the edge.

"Come on! You'll be fine!" Iroh yelled.

"No! I'm tired of running! It's time I faced Azula!"

Zuko turned, walking back, leaving Iroh smacking his head at his foolishness and running away.

"You're so dramatic." Azula rolled her eyes. "What? Are you going to challenge me to an Agni Kai?"

"Yes! I challenge you!"

"No thanks." Azula smirked.

Zuko shot fire at her but the Dai Li agents trapped his legs with their rock gloves. He punched another ball of fire but they pulled up an earth wall in front of him, grabbing his arms. Zuko was captured and outnumbered.

Azula smiled, walking away.


The only thing left for Aang to do was lie.

"Yeah! I mastered the avatar state." He looked at his lap guiltily as they flew.

"Good job," Sokka nodded, sitting beside Toph.

"So, what kind of trouble is Katara in?" Toph asked.

"It wasn't clear," Aang said. "All I know is that I have to get to her."

At the palace, Kuei flat out denied it. "She isn't in trouble," the earth king said. "Bosco would've felt it. She was with the Council of Generals to plan the invasion. I'm sure she's fine."

"Yeah she's probably with Suki discussing make-up or something." Sokka shrugged.

"Okay, maybe you're right," Aang sighed.


"You've got company," Katara heard a voice call from above her. She rolled her eyes, trying not to panic. She was stuck here in the Crystal Catacombs with no interaction with the outside world. How long had it been?

Suddenly, Zuko rolled down the side and landed right in front of her. The opening above her head slammed shut. Katara stared at him, shocked and annoyed . . . and slightly surprised.

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