83| The Avatar's Place

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"This is June," Zuko introduced us.

"I know her," Sokka stuck out his lower lip, "she helped you attack us."

"You gave her my necklace!" Katara pointed an accusing finger at Zuko.

"That proves what a good tracker she is," Zuko said with no emotion. He turned back to June. She was pretty; dark hair, blood red lips, narrowed eyes. She was tall and curvy, and had a killer smile. A tattoo spiraled around her shoulder.

She stood up, taking a sip of her tea, tripping a drunk man over her foot. Someone tried to punch her from behind, but she hit him squarely and easily in the nose before he could actually land a good blow.

"You grew out your hair, huh," she smirked, turning to Zuko. "Honestly, it's a much better look. Where's that creepy uncle of yours?"

Zuko's face turned white.

"Take this," I handed Aang's staff to her, trying to change the subject. I didn't know what their history was, but she didn't seem very welcoming. "Please. Help us."

She finished the last drops of tea, and then walked towards the door. "Follow me."

Outside, a giant beast that had a nose like a mole but a body like a bear and razor sharp teeth, bounded towards us. I almost screamed when it opened its giant mouth, roaring in my face with it's stinkbreath. Zuko pulled me back, into his chest.

"I thought the other one was your girlfriend," June gestured towards Katara with a teasing smirk. "Water Tribe, Water Tribe necklace. You see where I'm going with this?"

Zuko and Katara blanched. "No way," they said in unison.

"Yeah, she was too pretty for you anyway," June shrugged, and I felt my face heat up.

"Excuse me?" I put my hands on my hips.

June moved on, stroking her giant bear-mole creature. "Hey, Nyla," she crooned. "You ready to do this?"

Nyla's long tongue wagged out of her mouth. "That's poison," Sokka whispered in my ear. "It brought Appa down once."

"Her tongue?"

Sokka nodded. I shuddered.

Nyla sniffed the staff, and then commenced. She started running in circles, sniffing the ground, trees, us, and Appa, who licked her in return. Nyla hissed, pouncing away. At the end, she slumped to the floor, putting her paws over her eyes.

"What does that mean?" Toph asked. "Why did she just fall like that?"

"It means your friend doesn't exist," she said, getting to her knees next to Nyla, stroking her gently.

"Uh-oh," Zian whispered quietly. I elbowed him.

"You mean he's dead?" Sokka asked, horrified.

"Not dead, boomerang boy," June stood up, "not on this planet. If he were dead, Nyla would be found him by now. Sorry."

I looked at Zuko, who look just as confused as the rest of us. "Well, I have one more thing." He disappeared next to Appa, appearing with an old sandal. Flies buzzed around it. I pinched my nose shut, leaning away from him.

"What's is that?" Suko said, her voice muffled through her hands on her mouth.

"Help me find my uncle," he said to June. "I know he escaped. Maybe he can help us."

Zian's eyes widened. "You kept your uncle's sandal?"

June took the shoe, letting Nyla take a good whiff. "That's a good girl," she crooned. "She's got the scent." June hopped onto the big animal's back, and then she was off.

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