58| Smoothing Stones

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It was so boring.

Did I know my life was going to come to this? No. 

Put yourself in my position. What would you do right now? Talk to Mai? No. Chat with Azula? Not if I wanted to die. Ty Lee? Sure, she was great—but a bit too happy.

"Guess what?" Ty Lee barged into my room.

Chicken butt?"

"What's a chicken?" she stopped short.

"Um, something I read in a book," I shrugged.

She raised an eyebrow.

"Greek mythology?" I suggested, chuckling nervously.


"Okay, what?" I sighed.

"We're going on vaca-shun!"


"I'm not a child!" Zuko mumbled. "I can't be forced to go on vacation."

"Relax. It'll be fun," I said to him, catching myself quickly and turning away. His face literally lit up. Mai punched him in the stomach.

"She's right," the two old woman, Lo and Li said in unison. They were waiting for us at the dock as we stepped off the boat. "Enjoy it while it lasts."


The room was fabulous.

But of course, the first thing miss gloomy butt said was, "It looks like the beach threw up over the bed."

"Nuh uh." I scowled. "That pink shelled bedsheet is cute, miss gloomy butt."

Ty Lee snorted and then cackled. "Miss gloomy butt."

Mai just ignored us, walking away with Zuko close behind. "Ugh." I groaned. "Look at him. He's literally like her little pet." 

"Again," Zuko spoke, "I don't like being treated like a child and forced into this vacation!"

"Well deal with it because you are a child." I snapped at him.

"Stop snapping," Mai said flatly.

"Make me, Mia." I pursed my lips. "That's right. You are now Mia, name stealer. M-I-A Missing In Action. You will be soon."

"Shut up," Azula walked past me.

"No, you shut up," Zuko said.

"Oh God, Zuko." Azula put her hand to her forehead, "betraying Mia like that."

"Her name is not Mia!" Zuko announced.

"Oh get a life—" I sputtered.

"No you—"

"Guys—" Ty Lee tried.

"Everyone!" Lo and Li said in unison, "Give the beach a chance! It has the power to smoothen even the roughest of edges." Lo patted a smooth rock.

"No one can smoothen scarred people. Oh." I looked at Zuko. "That's not what I meant—"

"Can we please not start this again!" Lo sighed.

"Well now I know how your voice sounds by itself!" I said brightly. "Let's enjoy the beach."

"Wait. Who are these two pretty ladies?" Ty Lee pointed at a frame. There were two pretty girls who looked way alike on it. 

"Lo and Li!" the two old women said, copying the pose. Mai covered Zuko's eyes.

"Child," I coughed.

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