37| Husbands and Whatnot

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"first off, we have to find somewhere to stay," I said, wearily. "All we've been doing is asking people if they've seen the Avatar."

"And the only answer we've gotten is 'I have Avatar cookies'." Zian sighed, stopping to lean against a wooden wall of a house.

"This is hopeless," Zuko groaned, slumping on the floor and putting his head in his hands.

"Come on you guys!" I said cheerfully, trying to lift their spirits, "We can't give up yet!"

"Well we already have." Zuko rolled his golden eyes.

"You're being a loser," I said, holding my hands out for him to take, "For once, listen to me and don't give up just yet."

Zuko stared at my hands for a second, and then, completely ignoring them, stood up himself. "Let's keep looking."

And right then, an old man passed passed us.

"Sir!" I yelled. "Mister old guy. Stop for one second, please!"

The man stopped, turning around with a scowl. "Who you callin' old?"

"You, sir," I breathed, stumbling to a stop. "I have a question."

"And what makes ye think I've got an answer?"

"Aren't old people supposed to be wise?" I wondered, staring at him.

"Good point. Shoot," he nodded.

"Okay. HaveyouseentheAvatarmeandmyfriendsarelookingforhimeverywhereand we'resotiredandlostand—"

"Whoa there, lassie, calm down and repeat what you just said slowly." He put his hands up.

"Where's the Avatar?"

"Do I look like his father to you?" the old man asked, annoyed.

"No. Are you? I haven't actually met him so I can't really tell—"

"No I'm not!" he roared. "Will you shut up for a moment?"

"But you haven't answered my question—"

"Yes I've seen him!" the man groaned.

"Oh. Well why didn't you say so?" I grinned, patting his shoulder. "Now if you'll please just answer these following questions," I said, starting to count off my fingers, "Where, when, why, how, and—"

"Somebody please shut her up," the old man groaned, and I furrowed my brows, offended. Someone slid their cool hand over my mouth.

Zuko stood behind me, talking to the man. "Yeah, she's always like this," he said, not removing his hand.

"Please tell us where you saw the Avatar," Zian said, shooting me a warning glance. Zuko pulled his straw hat lower over his face to hide the scar.

"Flying on his bison." The old man scoffed. "Last I heard, they were only staying for a few more days. At the moment they should be dining with the king."

"Who now?" I peeled Zuko's fingers off my face.

"The king, little girl," he rolled his eyes.

"Okay, take us there."

"What?" he raised his eyebrows. "I can't just take you there now! You need an invitation!"

"Uh, we'll find a way, don't worry," I assured him.

Zuko coughed behind me, leaning down to whisper in me ear, "Do you really think you can trust him with that information?"

I turned my head to smile at him. "He's a sweet old guy, what could he possibly do?"

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