85| Ready Or Not

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"Growing up we were taught that the Fire Nation was the greatest civilization in history. And somehow the war was our way of sharing our greatness with the rest of the world. What an amazing lie that was. The people of the world are terrified by the Fire Nation. They don't see our greatness. They hate us. And we deserve it! We created an era of fear in the world. And if we don't want the world to destroy itself, we need to replace it with an era of peace and kindness."

-Zuko to Ozai


I took Sokka's hand. "You ready?" 

I was supposed to go with Toph, him, and Suki, and stop the airships. From there I'd grab an airship of my own and head towards the Fire Lord, slowing him down while we waited for Aang to show up. Damn, that boy had been trapped in an iceburg for a hundred years when people needed him the most. I was praying that he hadn't gotten himself stuck in another one when the world needed him even more.


Katara and Zuko had split off from us. Aang was nowhere. Zian said he wanted to help the White Lotus take Ba Sing Se. "I've heard stories about you," he said. "I've always wanted to be a member."

Iroh chuckled. "You're a bit too young and need more experience."

"Well then that experience starts now. Please let me help you take back Ba Sing Se."

The White Lotus members glanced at each other. "Well," Master Piandao sighed, "I guess we need all the help we can get." 

We snuck into an airship. Sokka and Toph's job was to gather the guards up while Suki and I went to the control room.

"C'mon," I whispered, running up the stairs. The metal squeaked. We froze.

"Who's there?" a man called.

"Back against the wall," Suki ordered under her breath, and I did so. Then she took a few steps forward, punching the guard straight in the jaw. He opened his mouth to call for help, but a rush of fire threw him onto his back, where Suki tied him up and tossed him into an empty room. "Thanks," Suki looked over her shoulder. I nodded. The control room was the last room of the airship.

"How do we get there without them seeing us?" I asked, hiding behind a wall. About five guards stood around the room.

Suddenly, a voice rang out on the speakers. "Everyone, head to the bottom level. It's time to celebrate before we take over the world. General's orders." It was Sokka. I gave Suki a grin.

"Is this for my birthday?" I heard a curious guy ask another. He shrugged. "Let's go then."

We ran towards the control room, but inside was a surprise waiting for us. Two men sat there.

"I take the sitting one," I told Suki. I took a few steps forward and slammed my hand against the best of his neck, the part that knocked you out immediately. Next to me, the other guard punched fire. Suki grabbed his arm, raising it towards the ceiling where the attack hit. Sparks flew down. I kicked him in the stomach, and then Suki elbowed him in the head. He dropped like a rock.

"Okay," I said, fumbling with the controls, "which one opened the drop thing? And how was Sokka going to give is the signal?"

As if on cue, the speakers blared. "Mei, now!" Suki grabbed a lever, pulling it towards her. Metal grated, chains squeaked. I actually felt the load get lighter. Now we were the only passengers on the airship, the rest fallen into the ocean.

We met up with Sokka. "We have to set the ship in a way where all the others get destroyed," Sokka said.

Suki nodded. "Aim for the airships on the count of three, and then run to the roof."

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