88| Beads On A Necklace

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"Protection and power are overrated. I think you are very wise to choose happiness and love. There are reasons each of us are born. we have to find those reasons."
-Uncle Iroh 


"Try restarting his heart," Katara said, trying to calm herself. Zuko's lips were turning purple. He was dead.

"I can't," I said, my eyes brimming with tears. "He's dead."

"Use lightning to restart his heart."

"But that's what killed him," I hestitated.

"Do it!" So I took a deep breath.

"Zuko, wake up for me. I love you," I said, wiping my eyes. "I need you." I couldn't concentrate. I had to stop sobbing and then maybe I'd be able to see. I took a deep breath, pressing my hands over his heart. Electricity crackled through my body. I needed lightning to jumpstart it.

I pushed, a shock zapping through his body and leaving my hands. In a split second, I did it again. And again.

And then he choked, coughing and coughing and coughing but I didn't care. He was alive. I'd zapped his soul back into his body. Relief flooded me and I fell back on my arms, closing my eyes. Katara started healing him with water again, cleansing his wound.

Zuko blinked as I lay down next to him. "Katara," he said. "Thank you." she gave him a hug, very gently. Being alive didn't mean he wasn't in pain. And then Zuko looked at me.

"Ayame saved you, not me," Katara said, wiping her eyes on her sleeve. "Thank you for saving me, Zuko."

He nodded and touched my face. "You did it?" he sat up. My eyes flickered to Azula. 

"She won't be bothering anyone again," I said, trying to block out her hysterical shrieking. Katara and I helped Zuko up and watched her for a few minutes, Zuko's arm around my shoulders. I held him close, my eyes still trained on Azula, one of my best friends. I felt bad for her. I pitied her. But at the same time, we had a connection at once. And no matter what, I could never be mad at Azula. 

I just wanted to know who she saw behind me.

"I was talking about you, not her," he said with a weak, pained smile, pushing my thoughts aside. "You saved my life."

"You saved mine and Katara's, Zuko," I said, hugging him, burying my face in his shoulder.

"I panicked. I didn't even know where you popped out from," he laughed, but it came out as a wheeze. I pulled away, turning to Azula. I tried blocking out her screams, wincing as she sobbed, throwing herself to the ground. "She really is a monster. And so's Ozai, for continuing this war."

I shook my head, leaning away from him and taking a step towards Azula. "Do monsters make war, or do wars make monsters?" My knees hit the ground as I sat in front of Azula. She wouldn't hurt me. I knew she wouldn't. Azula was not a monster. The pain inside of her was not meant to be contained by a fifteen year old.

I put a hand on her shoulder. She pulled away from my touch as if it were poison. "You're not a monster, Azula." She pushed me, tried to kick me away, but I didn't move. "I don't believe that. I do believe in you." But by that time, I didnt really think she could hear what I was saying, much less understand me. Suddenly, i saw something pinned to her chest.

I took a closer look and I felt something, like a punch to the stomach. There, shining in the light was the red and blue pin I'd given her. She stumbled back, kicking herself away from me as far as she could go, eyeing me carefully. I could feel my eyes start to burn. "Damn," I stood up. "All of this. This is insane." I couldn't bear to look at her writhing on the ground. I wiped my eyes with the back of my sleeve. "Katara, hold on to him. I'm getting her out of here."

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