89| Beginning of The End

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"Sometimes life is like this dark tunnel, you can't always see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you just keep moving, you will come to a better place."



The crown was lowered onto Zuko's head. I started clapping, leaping up and down in the audience. Next to me, Katara clasped her hands as Aang walked out, all air nomad-y with the necklaces and the long thobe type thing.

"The real hero was the Avatar," Zuko said with a smile, and they embraced.

"This is so exciting," I whispered. Suki and Ty Lee, covered Kyoshi Warrior clothes and makeup, stood behind us, talking to Sokka who suddenly looked so much older I suddenly realized how much he'd grown up. I gave him a smile, taking his hand in mine.

The audience cheered as Zuko was crowned. I waved a Fire Nation flag, holding a Water Nation one in my other hand.

"I will restore peace to this world," Zuko announced. "And do everything in my power to fix the damage the previous Fire Lords have done. The Hundred Year War is officially over."

When the coronation part was over and everyone was partying outside, I escaped, trying to get to Zuko's room to congratulate it. I bumped into Zian on the way, who was talking to Toph. I looked between them.

"Hey," Zian said. "How are you feeling?"

"Great," I said. "What's up?"

"Nothing. I was just, you know, getting to know Toph." I looked at her. Her ears turned pink. I smiled slyly.

"Weeell okay. Have fun," I said, patting his back.

I stood outside of Zuko's room, when Katara came into view, holding a hairbrush in her hand.

"That's my hairbrush," I said to Katara. She rolled her eyes.

"You've got like, three more. And I was returning it anyway."

I stuck out my tongue. "Aren't you supposed to be some place?"

Katara gave me a sly smile. "Why, what are you planning to do?"


She giggled. "C'mon. Tell me."

"Nothing! Go hang out with Aang or something," I blushed, opening the door and walking inside. "Bye." I sat down on a comfy chair.

"Tell me one thing you want to do now that all this is over," Zuko said as we sat alone in his old room in the palace.

"Why?" I asked, brushing the knots out of my hair, feeling at peace for once. I'd taken a warm bath, fixed my hair, and scrubbed away any signs of the past year. My wounds had started to heal. Everything slowly started to fade. Except for that burn.

Katara called it a 'battle scar'. "It's to remind you how brave you were. Whenever you feel like you can't do something, look down at it."

"Just tell me," he said, adjusting the bandages on his stomach where Azula had gotten him.

"Uh," I said, setting the hairbrush down, "definitely meet my grandma now. I haven't talked to her for over a year."

Zuko stood up. "Let's go."

"Excuse me?" my eyes widened. "Where are you going?"

"Let's meet your grandma," he said, reaching his hand out. I stood up.

"No way, Zu." I put my hands on my hips. "Look at yourself. You need to rest."

He lifted my hand, brushing his thumb over my battle scar. "I'll be fine if you're with me. Now let's go. You can't say no to the Fire Lord," he cracked a smile.

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