51| Meteor Shower

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Mist flowed in, surrounding a pale life form who floated atop the water as a mystical being. One by one, she visited all the sick and slowly healed them, and then slowly returned back to the lake, leaving nothing for the people to see but a fading silhouette.

Azula, I'm serious. I'm going to end this note passing child games until you tell me exactly what you know.


In the morning, Appa was still sick so we decided to take a trip to the village.

"Oh, spirits, look at that," Katara nudged me. I looked up at what she was pointing to and my jaw dropped.

"A statue? Of this Painted Woman?"

"Painted Lady," Katara corrected.

"And since when do you care?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I don't exactly know," she shrugged. 

"Hey!" Dock interrupted, approaching us. "Do you like the statue?"

"Sure, why not," Sokka said. "Um, do you have some medicine? Appa's sick."

"Well," Dock said, beckoning us towards him, "Maybe the Painted Lady can visit him and heal him."

"Maybe," Katara shrugged, averting her eyes.

"Maybe." I narrowed my eyes at her. 

"Well," Sokka said, "Her work will all go to waste unless she goes ahead and helps you all forever or blows up the factory with her 'spirit magic'." He joked, waggling his fingers.

The hawk returned at night.

That's hardly fair. You're the one that started this note passing business, therefore you're the child. By the way, I stumbled across Zuko and Mai a few days ago. They seemed to be enjoying the sunset.


My face burned.

Do you think I care? Well I don't. So no need to try that on me. 

Give. Me. Answers.


I heard shuffling outside. I peeked out of my tent to see Katara next to Appa, slipping something inside his mouth and then putiing on a hat. As she turned around, I grinned.

I knew she'd been the Painted Lady all along.

Instead of stopping her, I told Momo to wake Aang up. And let him do the rest.

Turned out, Katara was the one feeding Appa berries to turn his tongue purple. And in the morning, the whole factory was in ruins. I raised my eyebrows at Aang who just grinned and shrugged. Suddenly, I heard a screech. I looked up at the sky and saw this large bird that looked strangely like a . . .

I cursed under my breath. Messenger bird. and it was not Sokka's Hawky.

"Wait. Look," Toph nudged Sokka who had figured out about Katara a long time ago. The firebenders were approaching the village over the river.

"They think the villagers stole!" Katara gasped. "We have to go!"

I slowly slunk back. "I'll catch up with you guys." I said as they ran in the opposite direction.

The large bird dropped something that almost broke my skull. 

"Stupid bird," I groaned. It bit my finger.

The package was a box. I opened it and inside was a choker type necklace with a Fire Nation emblem charm. A note was left inside.

Found this in your father's old room.


I was ready to fight them, holding up my fists but Aang said no. 

"Let Katara deal with them," he said.

"But they're going to . . ."

"No, Mei."

I groaned, dropping my fists and listening to Katara's boring speech. 

She and Aang had scared off the fire nation soldiers and Dock had found out her real identity. And we were here now, listening to Katara's speech about how they should stand up for themselves and how they should stand up for themselves. And then she promised she'd clean their river.

Which we did. 

After a long day of seperated mud and slush from the river, it was clean and sparkling.

"Can we go now?" I asked, exhausted and cranky.

Katara shot me a glare. "Can you be patient? Look how happy they are?"

I just wanted to write back to Azula.

Where did you find this? Where's his old room? Are there any more things in there? A letter . . . a note . . . maybe more jewelry?


And then I bought a small pouch you could hide in your pocket, and stuffed all her letters in there. Then I put on the necklace.


Azula lied when she got the letter back.

There is nothing else in the room, dear Ayame. I'll look, but I need payment. And not money. I'm a princess, I have enough of that.

A deal, maybe? Something realistic.



No, Azula. I don't make deals with people like you.


We watched a meteor shower that night, everyone lying on their backs. 

"It's beautiful," I said as the light from the fire shined in my eyes.

"It is, isn't it?" Aang said. "It's amazing how these giant rocks just fly around the sky."

"I meant the fi . . . nevermind." I sighed.

Suddenly, something exploded onto the ground, almost shattering my eardrums. The meteor had just hit earth.

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