56| Royal Premesis

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"And this is the courtyard," Azula said, sweeping her her arm across in a dramatic gesture. "Do you get it or do I have to do it again?"

"No, no. I'm good. Thanks," I said. 

"And you know where your room is?" she said with a roll of her eyes.

"Yeah. Yeah I do." I was still dazed. Was I really in the Fire Nation palace? With Azula? With Zuko somewhere closeby? With Ozai? The mere thought sent shivers up my spine. 

"Are you even listening?" Azula almost groaned. "Look. I have special orders from my father to show you around. You're like his special guest or something."

"Why?" I asked, scowling. "Because I'm powerful? Because I'm some secret weapon? Well I'm not."

"You're right, you're not. Don't give yourself that much credit." She rolled her eyes. "Oh. Look." She pointed to a little lake. "He doesn't even know you're here yet."

It was Zuko, feeding the turtle ducks. I was about to go to him until I realized he was a traitor to mankind.

But wasn't I?

It didn't matter. This was my home now. But Zuko betrayed his uncle who loved him. He betrayed me.

I didn't betray anyone . . . that cared about me.

"Hey, Zuzu!" Azula suddenly yelled and I jumped forward, clapping my hand over her mouth. She tried to peel it off but I held her in an iron grip. Too late.

Zuko turned around. His jaw dropped.

He was in front of me.

He was talking.

"No. I don't want to hear it," I said, clapping my hands over my ears and shrinking back.

He raised an eyebrow. "Why are you here? Why are you—" he looked at Azula and I realized my hand was still over her mouth. I pulled it off, shooting her an apologetic smile.


She scowled.

I looked back at Zuko. "None of your business."

"I think it is," he said. "You're in my territory now."

Azula smirked. "She's in your territory yet ironically,  she's worth more than you."

"And that includes you as well., Zuko shot back.

"Break it up," I interjected, standing between them, when suddenly I heard a dull, boring voice speak.

"What are you doing?" 

"What am I doing?" I fumed. "Why I oughta—"

"Break it up." Azula imitated, standing between me and Mai.

"You're Mei, right?" she asked me, raising an eyebrow. "Is she the 'she'?" Mai turned to Zuko.

"What?" said Zuko.

"What?" said Azula.

"What?" I said.

"Nothing. Sorry I asked." She turned and walked away.

I turned away from Zuko.

"What is wrong with everyone?" he said, exasperatedly walking away.

"You handled that well," Azula complimented.

"Thank you."


I literally fell down the stairs.


They were so slippery and shiny.

"I am not used to this," I groaned. The life of a miserably poor girl coming to live at a freaking darn giant palace.

"I wouldn't expect you to be." Azula scoffed.

"Hon, are you jealous?" I asked, flipping my hair over my shoulder.

"No, I'm not," she said defensively, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I can tell when people are lying." I raised my eyebrows. "How do you even walk in these?" I looked down at myself. "I'm so . . . it's so . . . "

"Heavy? Yeah, you get used to it."

When you were sort of like an important person in the royal premises, you had to wear these heavy armor like clothes Azula wore daily. The shoulders kind of weighed you down.

But the boots were fabulous.

"So why are you here Azula? Azuzu? Zula? Zuly?"

"Don't call me that," she snapped.

"Zula or Zuly? You gotta choose. I make nicknames for everyone." I grinned, sitting on the bottom stair and crossing one leg over the other.

"Fine," she sighed and with a roll of her eyes said, "If I had to choose, it'd be Zula."

"Zuly it is!" I grinned, standing up.

"You were going to choose the opposite no matter what I said, weren't you?"


"The Fire Lord wants to see you."

I froze. "Hell no."

She laughed, checking her fingernails.

"But why?"

"Who knows?" she shrugged.

I felt myself die inside just a bit.

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